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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 8/1/2012


Governor Gen. David JOHNSTON
Prime Min. Stephen Joseph HARPER
Min. of Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development John DUNCAN
Min. of Agriculture & Agri-Food & the Canadian Wheat Board Gerry RITZ
Min. for the Asia-Pacific Gateway Edward FAST
Min. for the Atlantic Gateway Keith ASHFIELD
Min. of Canadian Heritage & Official Languages James MOORE
Min. of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Leona AGLUKKAQ
Min. of Citizenship, Immigration, & Multiculturalism Jason KENNEY
Min. of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Denis LEBEL
Min. of the Environment Peter KENT
Min. for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario Anthony Peter CLEMENT
Min. of Finance James Michael FLAHERTY
Min. of Fisheries & Oceans Keith ASHFIELD
Min. of Foreign Affairs John Russell BAIRD
Min. of Health Leona AGLUKKAQ
Min. of Human Resources & Skills Development Diane FINLEY
Min. of Industry Christian PARADIS
Min. of Intergovernmental Affairs Peter PENASHUE
Min. of Intl. Cooperation Julian FANTINO
Min. of Intl. Trade Edward FAST
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. Robert Douglas NICHOLSON
Min. of Labor Lisa RAITT
Min. of National Defense Peter Gordon MACKAY
Min. of National Revenue Gail SHEA
Min. of Natural Resources Joe OLIVER
Min. of Public Safety Victor TOEWS
Min. of Public Works & Govt. Services Rona AMBROSE
Min. for Status of Women Rona AMBROSE
Min. of Transport, Infrastructure, & Communities Denis LEBEL
Min. of Veterans Affairs Steven BLANEY
Associate Min. of National Defense Bernard VALCOURT
Min. of State (Agriculture) Christian PARADIS
Min. of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) Bernard VALCOURT
Min. of State (Democratic Reform) Tim UPPAL
Min. of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario) Gary GOODYEAR
Min. of State (Finance) Ted MENZIES
Min. of State (La Francophonie) Bernard VALCOURT
Min. of State (Science & Technology) Gary GOODYEAR
Min. of State (Seniors) Alice WONG
Min. of State (Small Business & Tourism) Maxime BERNIER
Min. of State (Sport) Bal GOSAL
Min. of State (Transport) Steven John FLETCHER
Min. of State (Western Economic Diversification) Lynne YELICH
Min. of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas and Consular Affairs) Diane ABLONCZY
Min. of State & Chief Govt. Whip Gordon O'CONNOR
Pres., Queen's Privy Council Peter PENASHUE
Pres., Treasury Board Anthony Peter CLEMENT
Leader of the Govt. in the House of Commons Peter VAN LOAN
Leader of the Govt. in the Senate Marjory LEBRETON
Governor, Bank of Canada Mark CARNEY
Ambassador to the US Gary DOER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Guillermo RISHCHYNSKI

Posted: May 03, 2007 01:15 PM
Last Updated: Aug 09, 2012 08:28 AM
Last Reviewed: Apr 18, 2012 02:23 PM

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