Ken Calvert

Ken Calvert


Ken Calvert, United States Congress, representing California's 44th District

Corona, CA ·

Obama’s record: high unemployment, high gas pxs, record high debt, low growth, more gov’t, and a foreign policy that collapsed.

Truth behind job rprt “jobs gained recently by U.S. economy r disproportionately low-paying, insecure ones.”

“Obama has governed from the left not because he miscalculated his priorities but because these are his priorities”

According 2 recent data from OPM, gov’t employment rolls increased 8% '08 to '12. Obama’s 2nd term plan? More govt!

Obama has failed 2 publish economically significant regs he plans to propose since LAST fall.Where’s the transparency?

Still too high but better: 7.9% unemployment. Imagine what economy could do w/o Obama’s repressive economic policies?

“Insiders get rich on Obama’s green energy stimulus” Taxpayer $$ used to line pockets of Corporate Insiders

Thinking of our fellow Americans on the East Coast recovering from Hurricane Sandy. If you can help, please do:

Obama’s economic “recovery” has been worst since the Great Depression; for many Americans, there has been no recovery.

The Real Obama “a president who is at once over his head, out of his depth and wholly unaware of the fact.”

Obama & economy: “He didn't focus on economy because he didn't & still doesn't understand how the pvt economy works”

Obama’s “plan” is nothing but rehash of last 4 yrs More taxes, more regs, more spending, bigger govt. Enough is enough.

“You didn’t build that” “The private sector is doing fine” Obama has shown that he is anti-business & out of touch

Obama knew 2 HRS after Libya attack that terrorist grp had claimed credit.Yet he pushed “video” narrative for 2 WEEKS.

Obama had more positive things to say about Occupy Wall Street than he did about Iranians dying in the streets. Facts matter.

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