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SEC Congressional Statements and Testimony Archive: 1998

This collection of files contains Congressional testimony given by members of the SEC. The following material is currently available:

Fourth Quarter | Third Quarter | Second Quarter | First Quarter

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Date Testimony
Fourth Quarter
Dec. 16, 1998 Testimony of Richard R. Lindsey, Director, Division of Market Regulation, Before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, re: OTC Derivatives in the U.S. Financial Markets
Oct. 1, 1998 Testimony of Richard R. Lindsey, Director, Division of Market Regulation, Before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, re: Hedge Fund Activities in the U.S. Financial Markets
Third Quarter
Sep. 29, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt before the House Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials re: Transparency in the United States Debt Market and Mutual Fund Fees and Expenses
Sep. 17, 1998 Testimony of Commissioner Laura S. Unger Before the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem re: The Effect of the Year 2000 on Mutual Funds
Sep. 10, 1998 Testimony of Paul V. Gerlach, Associate Director, Division of Enforcement, Before the House Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Commerce re: H.R. 4353, The International Anti-Bribery and Fair Competition Act of 1998
Jul. 31, 1998 Testimony of Commissioner Isaac C. Hunt, Jr., Before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs re: Concerning Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Disputes in the Securities Industry
Jul. 30, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt Before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry re: The Regulation of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market and Hybrid Instruments
Jul. 24, 1998 Testimony of Richard R. Lindsey, Director of the Division of Market Regulation, Before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services re: The Regulation of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market and Hybrid Instruments
Second Quarter
Jun. 10, 1998 Testimony of Commissioner Laura S. Unger Before the Senate Subcommittee on Financial Service and Technology, Concerning Disclosure of Year 2000 Readiness
Jun. 10, 1998 Testimony of Richard R. Lindsey, Director of the Division of Market Regulation, Before the Subcommittee on Risk Management and Specialty Crops of the House Committee on Agriculture re: The Regulation of the Over-The-Counter Derivatives Market and Hybrid Instruments
May 19, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt Before the Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials, House Committee on Commerce re: H.R. 1689, The "Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1997"
(NOTE: text corrected 05-22-98.)
First Quarter
Mar. 19, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary of the Senate Committee on Appropriations re: Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1999
Mar. 18, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary of the House Committee on Appropriations re: Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1999
Mar. 17, 1998 Testimony of Brian Lane, Director of the Division of Corporation Finance, before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight re: H.R. 3310, The "Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments of 1998"
Jan. 29, 1998 Testimony of Chairman Arthur Levitt before the Subcommittee on Securities, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs re: Circuit Breakers

Modified: 03/29/2005