How much is too much?

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AAFES is gathering data for J1 for the purpose of tracking ration controlled items, just as the Commissary has for several years.  Since customers continue to have concerns about the process, these frequently asked questions/comments and answers have been complied to assist you while making purchase decisions.


I purchased a GPS and then it was stolen from my car.  I want a replacement GPS but am afraid to purchase one because it will be regarded as “in excess of personal needs” since I only own one vehicle.  Do I need to show the police report when I come to the store?

The purchase of an additional GPS would not constitute “in excess of personal needs.”  When determining “excess purchases,” the shopping data across all categories and over periods of time are examined.  A purchase of an additional model of an item will not trigger any flags.

I bought an 8 GB iPod some months ago, but now I want the 16 GB model.  I guess I will have to order it online because it might be considered that I sold one if I upgrade.

The purchase of an additional iPod would not constitute “in excess of personal needs”.  When determining “excess purchases” the shopping data across all categories and over periods of time are examined.  A purchase of an additional model of an item will not trigger any flags.

How are we going to purchase Christmas presents at the PX to ship to our kids in the states without looking like we are purchasing “in excess of personal needs”?

We are aware of the shopping trends during the holidays and expect to see an increase in purchases, especially around Christmas.  When determining “excess purchases” the shopping data across all categories and over periods of time are examined.

We don’t have a Unit Ration Control Card (URCC).  How are we going to get supplies for our Unit without it showing up on someone’s ID as excessive purchases?

All units in Korea are encouraged to apply for the URCC since every sale transaction requires the scanning of a DoD ID card or manual input of individual/unit ration control card number.  You may contact your local area Issuing Agent for a URCC application. 

If we use the Unit Rational Control Card (URCC), we have to complete extra paperwork, so our Unit is going to start purchasing all our supplies online.

 After the card has been ordered, no additional paperwork is required for two years when using a URCC to make approved purchases on behalf of the unit. No paperwork is required at the register, and the purchaser need only show the appropriate ID card and the URCC.  The application (USFK Form 42-4-E, Unit Ration Card Data System Application) is one page and is available here

I don’t want J1 to know how much money I transfer to my family in the Philippines each month.  What am I going to do?

 Money transfers, bounced check payments, and other Star Card payments are not sent to J1.  J1 does not receive this data and has no wish to track this type of information.  This system is designed to combat the potential for black marketing and enforce ration limits only.

It’s no one else’s business that I had to pay for a bounced check.  I don’t want J1 to have that information.

 Money transfers, bounced check payments, and other Star Card payments are not sent to J1.  J1 does not receive this data and has no wish to track this type of information.  This system is designed to combat the potential for black marketing and enforce ration limits only.

 I quit buying _________ because I would hate for my wife/boss/son/friends to know what I buy.

 A comprehensive privacy and release-of-information policy has been drafted that addresses this issue.  Your detailed purchase data is stored in an accredited and secured database.  With probable cause, law enforcement may request full access to the data.  Unit Commanders may only request monthly summary totals for individuals.  Family members only have access to summary totals for the last six months.  All others are NOT permitted to access records other than their own.

I don’t want anyone to know what I buy, so I will do all my shopping online.

 A comprehensive privacy and release-of-information policy has been drafted that addresses this issue.  Your detailed purchase data is stored in an accredited and secured database.  With probable cause, law enforcement may request full access to the data.  Unit Commanders may only request monthly summary totals for individuals.  Family members only have access to summary totals for the last six months.  All others are NOT permitted to access records other than their own.

Why do I have to have my ID card scanned when I am just buying a cup of coffee at the Shoppette?

 With the implementation of AAFES’ Point of Sale system, all purchases at an AAFES retail facility require an ID card scan or input of a ration control card number.

I support my family in the Philippines and buy them necessity items and clothing; now, I am afraid people will think I am black marketing?

 Purchasing items for family in the Philippines does not constitute black marketing since the necessity items are not introduced into the ROK economy for resale or otherwise.  Black marketing is considered an illegal transfer of duty-free goods to an unauthorized patron within the ROK.

I donate to a local orphanage, and I am worried about being watched for black marketing.

Donation to a local orphanage is considered to be a welfare gift IAW USFK Regulation 643-2.  A welfare gift is a gift of new or used clothing, prepared food, beverages, or other relief items donated by USFK personnel or organizations, which will enhance the welfare of individuals or institutions (e.g., schools, orphanages, churches, hospitals, or representatives), cared for by service, charitable, or relief organizations.  Purchasing items as welfare gifts does not constitute black marketing.

Our unit only has one ration card, and I don’t want to give it to our LN associates to send to the PX for unit purchase.

As the Unit Card Holder, you have the right to retain the unit card and make all approved purchases on your unit’s behalf.  However, it does mean that you will need to make purchases or escort the purchaser.
If my ID card is scanned at the register during a purchase, why am I being asked to show my Ration Card and ID card to gain entrance to the facility?

Some people may have access to the post or base but are not authorized to have access to duty-free goods.  To show that you are authorized to have access to duty-free goods, a ration and ID cards check is required at the door.  In order to enforce ration limits and combat black marketing, all customers must be uniquely identified.  This can only be done at the register through an ID card scan or a ration card number input.


AAFES is a joint military activity providing quality merchandise and services to active duty, guard and reserve members, military retirees and their families at competitively low prices.  AAFES returns earnings to the Army and Air Force to improve troops’ quality of life and to provide a dividend to support MWR programs.  Roughly two-thirds of AAFES’ earnings are paid to MWR programs.  In the past ten years, $2.4 billion has been contributed by AAFES to military MWR programs to spend on quality-of-life improvements, including youth services, Armed Forces Recreation Centers, arts and crafts, aquatic centers, post functions and golf courses.