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Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

Natural Gas from Executive Summary

Natural gas production increases throughout the projection period, allowing the United States to transition from a net importer to a net exporter of natural gas

figure data

Much of the growth in natural gas production in the AEO2012 Reference case results from the application of recent technological advances and continued drilling in shale plays with high concentrations of natural gas liquids and crude oil, which have a higher value than dry natural gas in energy equivalent terms. Shale gas production increases in the Reference case from 5.0 trillion cubic feet per year in 2010 (23 percent of total U.S. dry gas production) to 13.6 trillion cubic feet per year in 2035 (49 percent of total U.S. dry gas production). As with tight oil, when looking forward to 2035, there are unresolved uncertainties surrounding the technological advances that have made shale gas production a reality. The potential impact of those uncertainties results in a range of outcomes for U.S. shale gas production from 9.7 to 20.5 trillion cubic feet per year when looking forward to 2035.

As a result of the projected growth in production, U.S. natural gas production exceeds consumption early in the next decade in the Reference case (Figure 4). The outlook reflects increased use of liquefied natural gas in markets outside North America, strong growth in domestic natural gas production, reduced pipeline imports and increased pipeline exports, and relatively low natural gas prices in the United States.

Power generation from renewables and natural gas continues to increase

In the Reference case, the natural gas share of electric power generation increases from 24 percent in 2010 to 28 percent in 2035, while the renewables share grows from 10 percent to 15 percent. In contrast, the share of generation from coal-fired power plants declines. The historical reliance on coal-fired power plants in the U.S. electric power sector has begun to wane in recent years.

figure data

Over the next 25 years, the share of electricity generation from coal falls to 38 percent, well below the 48-percent share seen as recently as 2008, due to slow growth in electricity demand, increased competition from natural gas and renewable generation, and the need to comply with new environmental regulations. Although the current trend toward increased use of natural gas and renewables appears fairly robust, there is uncertainty about the factors influencing the fuel mix for electricity generation. AEO2012 includes several cases examining the impacts on coal-fired plant generation and retirements resulting from different paths for electricity demand growth, coal and natural gas prices, and compliance with upcoming environmental rules.

While the Reference case projects 49 gigawatts of coal-fired generation retirements over the 2011 to 2035 period, nearly all of which occurs over the next 10 years, the range for cumulative retirements of coal-fired power plants over the projection period varies considerably across the alternative cases (Figure 5), from a low of 34 gigawatts (11 percent of the coal-fired generator fleet) to a high of 70 gigawatts (22 percent of the fleet). The high end of the range is based on much lower natural gas prices than those assumed in the Reference case; the lower end of the range is based on stronger economic growth, leading to stronger growth in electricity demand and higher natural gas prices. Other alternative cases, with varying assumptions about coal prices and the length of the period over which environmental compliance costs will be recovered, but no assumption of new policies to limit GHG emissions from existing plants, also yield cumulative retirements within a range of 34 to 70 gigawatts. Retirements of coal-fired capacity exceed the high end of the range (70 gigawatts) when a significant GHG policy is assumed (for further description of the cases and results, see "Issues in focus").


Natural Gas from Market Trends

U.S. reliance on imported natural gas from Canada declines as exports grow

Figure 67. North American natural gas trade, 2010-2035figure data

The energy markets of the three North American nations (United States, Canada, and Mexico) are well integrated, with extensive infrastructure that allows cross-border trade between the United States and both Canada and Mexico. The United States, which is by far the region's largest energy consumer, currently relies on Canada and Mexico for supplies of petroleum and other liquid fuels. Canada and Mexico were the largest suppliers of U.S. petroleum and other liquids imports in 2010, providing 2.5 and 1.3 million barrels per day, respectively. In addition, Canada supplies the United States with substantial natural gas supplies, exporting 3.3 trillion cubic feet to U.S. markets in 2010 (Figure 67).

In the AEO2012 Reference case, energy trade between the United States and the two other North American countries continues. In 2035, the United States still imports 3.4 million barrels per day of petroleum and other liquid fuels from Canada in the Reference case, but imports from Mexico fall to 0.8 million barrels per day. With prospects for domestic U.S. natural gas production continuing to improve, the need for imported natural gas declines. U.S. imports of natural gas from Canada fall to 2.4 trillion cubic feet in 2025 in the Reference case and remain relatively flat through the end of the projection. On the other hand, U.S. natural gas exports to both Canada and Mexico increase. Canada's imports of U.S. natural gas grow from 0.7 trillion cubic feet in 2010 to 1.5 trillion cubic feet in 2035, and Mexico's imports grow from 0.3 trillion cubic feet in 2010 to 1.7 trillion cubic feet in 2035 in the AEO2012 Reference case.

Trends in petroleum and other liquids markets are defined largely by the developing nations

Figure 65. Trends in petroleum and other liquids markets are defined largely by the developing nations.figure data

Total use of petroleum and other liquids in the AEO2012 Reference, High Oil Price, and Low Oil Price cases in 2035 ranges from 107 to 113 million barrels per day (Figure 65). The alternative oil price cases reflect shifts in both supply and demand, with the result that total consumption and production levels do not vary widely. Although demand in the OECD countries is influenced primarily by price, demand in non-OECD regions—where future economic uncertainty is greatest— drives the price projections. That is, non-OECD petroleum and other liquids consumption is lower in the Low Oil Price case and higher in the High Oil Price case than it is in the Reference case.

OECD petroleum and other liquids use grows in the Reference case to 48 million barrels per day in 2035, while non-OECD use grows to 61 million barrels per day. In the Low Oil Price case, OECD petroleum and other liquids use in 2035 is higher than in the Reference case, at 53 million barrels per day, but demand in the slow-growing non-OECD economies in the Low Price case rises to only 54 million barrels per day. In the High Oil Price case the opposite occurs, with OECD consumption falling to 46 million barrels per day in 2035 and fast-growing non-OECD use—driven by higher GDP growth—increasing to 67 million barrels per day in 2035.

The supply response also varies across the price cases. In the Low Oil Price case, OPEC's ability to constrain market share is weakened, and low prices have a negative impact on non-OPEC crude oil supplies relative to the Reference case. Because noncrude oil technologies achieve much lower costs in the Low Price case, supplies of other liquids are more plentiful than in the Reference case. In the High Oil Price case, OPEC restricts production, non-OPEC resources become more economic, and high prices make other liquids more attractive.

Renewable energy sources lead rise in primary energy consumption

figure data

With the exception of petroleum and other liquids, which falls through 2032 before increasing slightly in the last 3 years of the projection, consumption of all fuels increases in the AEO2012 Reference case. In addition, coal consumption increases at a relatively weak average rate of less than 0.1 percent per year from 2010 to 2035, remaining below 2010 levels until after 2031. As a result, the aggregate fossil fuel share of total energy use falls from 83 percent in 2010 to 77 percent in 2035, while renewable fuel use grows rapidly (Figure 73). The renewable share of total energy use (including biofuels) increases from 8 percent in 2010 to 14 percent in 2035 in response to the Federal RFS, availability of Federal tax credits for renewable electricity generation and capacity, and State renewable portfolio standard (RPS) programs.

The petroleum and other liquids share of fuel use declines as consumption of other liquids increases. Almost all consumption of liquid biofuels is in the transportation sector. Biofuels, including biodiesel blended into diesel, E85, and ethanol blended into motor gasoline (up to 15 percent), account for 10 percent of all petroleum and other liquids consumption in 2035.

Natural gas consumption grows by about 0.4 percent per year from 2010 to 2035, led by the use of natural gas in electricity generation. Growing production from tight shale keeps natural gas prices below their 2005-2008 levels through 2035. By the end of 2012, a total of 9.3 gigawatts of coal-fired power plant capacity currently under construction is expected to come online, and another 1.7 gigawatts is added after 2017 in the Reference case, including 0.9 gigawatts with carbon sequestration capability. Additional coal is consumed in the coal-toliquids (CTL) process to produce heat and power, including electricity generation at CTL plants.

Reliance on natural gas and natural gas liquids rises as industrial energy use grows

figure data

Led by increasing use of natural gas, total delivered industrial energy consumption grows at an annual rate of 0.6 percent from 2010 through 2035 in the Reference case. The mix of fuels changes slowly, reflecting limited capability for fuel switching with the current capital stock (Figure 83).

Industrial natural gas use grows by 8 percent from 2010 to 2035, reflecting relatively low natural gas prices. As a result, 33 percent of delivered industrial energy consumption is met with natural gas in 2035. The second-largest share is met by petroleum and other liquids (30 percent) and the remainder by renewables, electricity, and coal (37 percent). NGL, an increasingly valuable liquid component of natural gas processing, are consumed as a feedstock in the bulk chemicals industry and also are used for heat in other sectors. Industrial use of all petroleum and other liquids increases slightly from 2010 to 2035, and in 2035 the chemical industries use nearly one-half of the total as feedstock.

Coal use in the industrial sector for boilers and for smelting in steelmaking declines as more boilers are fired with natural gas and less metallurgical coal is used for steelmaking. After 2016, increased use of coal for CTL and CBTL production fully offsets the decline in the steel industry and boiler fuel use.

A decline in the electricity share of industrial energy consumption reflects modest growth in combined heat and power (CHP), which offsets purchased electricity requirements, as well as efficiency improvements across industries, primarily as a result of rising standards for motor efficiency. With growth in lumber, paper, and other industries that consume biomassbased byproducts, the renewable share of industrial energy use expands.

Coal-fired plants continue to be the largest source of U.S. electricity generation

figure data

Coal remains the dominant fuel for electricity generation in the AEO2012 Reference case (Figure 94), but its share declines significantly. In 2010, coal accounted for 45 percent of total U.S. generation; in 2020 and 2035 its projected share of total generation is 39 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Competition from natural gas and renewables is a key factor in the decline. Overall, coal-fired generation in 2035 is 2 percent higher than in 2010 but still 6 percent below the 2007 pre-recession level.

Generation from natural gas grows by 42 percent from 2010 to 2035, and its share of total generation increases from 24 percent in 2010 to 28 percent in 2035. The relatively low cost of natural gas makes the dispatching of existing natural gas plants more competitive with coal plants and, in combination with relatively low capital costs, makes natural gas the primary choice to fuel new generation capacity.

Generation from renewable sources grows by 77 percent in the Reference case, raising its share of total generation from 10 percent in 2010 to 15 percent in 2035. Most of the growth in renewable electricity generation comes from wind and biomass facilities, which benefit from State RPS requirements, Federal tax credits, and, in the case of biomass, the availability of lowcost feedstocks and the RFS.

Generation from U.S. nuclear power plants increases by 10 percent from 2010 to 2035, but the share of total generation declines from 20 percent in 2010 to 18 percent in 2035. Although new nuclear capacity is added by new reactors and uprates of older ones, total generation grows faster and the nuclear share falls. Nuclear capacity grows from 101 gigawatts in 2010 to 111 gigawatts in 2035, with 7.3 gigawatts of additional uprates and 8.5 gigawatts of new capacity between 2010 and 2035. Some older nuclear capacity is retired, which reduces overall nuclear generation.

Most new capacity additions use natural gas and renewables

figure data

Decisions to add capacity, and the choice of fuel for new capacity, depend on a number of factors [129]. With growing electricity demand and the retirement of 88 gigawatts of existing capacity, 235 gigawatts of new generating capacity (including end-use combined heat and power) are projected to be added between 2011 and 2035 (Figure 95).

Natural-gas-fired plants account for 60 percent of capacity additions between 2011 and 2035 in the Reference case, compared with 29 percent for renewables, 7 percent for coal, and 4 percent for nuclear. Escalating construction costs have the largest impact on capital-intensive technologies, which include nuclear, coal, and renewables. However, Federal tax incentives, State energy programs, and rising prices for fossil fuels increase the competitiveness of renewable and nuclear capacity. Current Federal and State environmental regulations also affect fossil fuel use, particularly coal. Uncertainty about future limits on GHG emissions and other possible environmental programs also reduces the competitiveness of coal-fired plants (reflected in AEO2012 by adding 3 percentage points to the cost of capital for new coal-fired capacity).

Uncertainty about demand growth and fuel prices also affects capacity planning. Total capacity additions from 2011 to 2035 range from 166 gigawatts in the Low Economic Growth case to 305 gigawatts in the High Economic Growth case. In the AE02012 Low Tight Oil and Shale Gas Resource case, natural gas prices are higher than in the Reference case and new natural gas fired capacity from 2011 to 2035 accounts for 102 gigawatts, which represents 47 percent of total additions. In the High Tight Oil and Shale Gas Resource case, delivered natural gas prices are lower than in the Reference case and natural gasfired capacity additions by 2035 are 155 gigawatts, or 66 percent of total new capacity.

Natural gas prices are expected to rise with the marginal cost of production

Figure 103. Annual average Henry Hub spot natural gas prices, 1990-2035
figure data
Figure 104. Ratio of low-sulfur light crude oil price to Henry Hub natural gas price on energy equivalent basis, 1990-2035
figure data

U.S. natural gas prices are determined largely by supply and demand conditions in North American markets. At current (2012) price levels, natural gas prices are below average replacement cost. However, over time natural gas prices rise with the cost of developing incremental production capacity (Figure 103). After 2017, natural gas prices rise in the AEO2012 Reference case more rapidly than crude oil prices, but oil prices remain at least three times higher than natural gas prices through the end of the projection (Figure 104).

As of January 1, 2010, total proved and unproved natural gas resources are estimated at 2,203 trillion cubic feet. Development costs for natural gas wells are expected to grow slowly. Henry Hub spot prices for natural gas rise by 2.1 percent per year from 2010 through 2035 in the Reference case, to an annual average of $7.37 per million Btu (2010 dollars) in 2035.

Natural gas prices vary with economic growth and shale gas well recovery rates

Figure 105. Annual average Henry Hub spot natural gas prices in five cases, 1990-2035
figure data

The rate at which natural gas prices change in the future can vary, depending on a number of factors. Two important factors are the future rate of macroeconomic growth and the expected cumulative production of shale gas wells over their lifetimes— the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) per well. Alternative cases with different assumptions for these factors are shown in Figure 105.

Higher rates of economic growth lead to increased consumption of natural gas, causing more rapid depletion of natural gas resources and a more rapid increase in the cost of developing new incremental natural gas production. Conversely, lower rates of economic growth lead to lower levels of natural gas consumption and, ultimately, a slower increase in the cost of developing new production.

In the High and Low EUR cases, the EUR per shale gas well is increased and decreased by 50 percent, respectively. Future shale gas well recovery rates are an important determinant of future prices. Changes in well recovery rates affect the long-run marginal cost of shale gas production, which in turn affects both natural gas prices and the volumes of new shale gas production developed (further analysis and discussion are included in the "Issues in focus" section of this report). In the Low EUR case, an Alaska gas pipeline starts operating in 2031, accompanied by a dip in natural gas prices. A recent proposal to build a natural gas pipeline along the route of the Alyeska oil pipeline with an LNG export facility could speed up construction. In the High Economic Growth case, the pipeline begins operation in 2035, with a similar effect on prices.

With rising domestic production, the United States become a net exporter of natural gas

Figure 106. With rising domestic production, the United States become a net exporter of natural gas.
figure data

The United States consumed more natural gas than it produced in 2010, importing 2.6 trillion cubic feet from other countries. In the AEO2012 Reference case, domestic natural gas production grows more quickly than consumption. As a result, the United States becomes a net exporter of natural gas by around 2022, and in 2035 net exports of natural gas from the United States total about 1.4 trillion cubic feet (Figure 106).

U.S. natural gas consumption grows at a rate of 0.4 percent per year from 2010 to 2035 in the Reference case, or by a total of 2.5 trillion cubic feet, to 26.6 trillion cubic feet in 2035. Growth in domestic natural gas consumption depends on many factors, including the rate of economic growth and the delivered prices of natural gas and other fuels. Natural gas consumption in the commercial and industrial sectors grows by less than 0.5 percent per year through 2035, and consumption for electric power generation grows by 0.8 percent per year. Residential natural gas consumption declines over the same period, by a total of 0.3 trillion cubic feet from 2010 to 2035.

U.S. natural gas production grows by 1.0 percent per year, to 27.9 trillion cubic feet in 2035, more than enough to meet domestic needs for consumption, which allows for exports. The prospects for future U.S. natural gas exports are highly uncertain and depend on many factors that are difficult to anticipate, such as the development of new natural gas production capacity in foreign countries, particularly from deepwater reservoirs, shale gas deposits, and the Arctic.

Shale gas provides largest source of growth in U.S. natural gas supply

figure 107. Shale gas provides largest source of growth in U.S. natural gas supply
figure data

The increase in natural gas production from 2010 to 2035 in the AEO2012 Reference case results primarily from the continued development of shale gas resources (Figure 107). Shale gas is the largest contributor to production growth; there is relatively little change in production levels from tight formations, coalbed methane deposits, and offshore fields.

Shale gas accounts for 49 percent of total U.S. natural gas production in 2035, more than double its 23-percent share in 2010. In the Reference case, estimated proved and unproved shale gas resources amount to a combined 542 trillion cubic feet, out of a total U.S. resource of 2,203 trillion cubic feet. Estimates of shale gas resources and well productivity remain uncertain (see "Issues in focus" for discussion).

Tight gas produced from low permeability sandstone and carbonate reservoirs is the second-largest source of domestic supply in the Reference case, averaging 6.1 trillion cubic feet of production per year from 2010 to 2035. Coalbed methane production remains relatively constant throughout the projection, averaging 1.8 trillion cubic feet per year.

Offshore natural gas production declines by 0.8 trillion cubic feet from 2010 through 2014, following the 2010 moratorium on offshore drilling, as exploration and development activities in the Gulf of Mexico focus on oil-directed activity. After 2014 offshore production continues to rise throughout the remainder of the projection period.

In most U.S. regions, natural gas production growth is led by shale gas development

Figure 108. Lower 48 onshore natural gas production by region, 2010 and 2035
figure data

Shale gas production, which more than doubles from 2010 to 2035, is the largest contributor to the projected growth in total U.S. natural gas production in the Reference case. Regional production growth largely reflects expected increases in production from shale beds. See Figure F4 in Appendix F for a map of U.S. natural gas supply regions.

In the Northeast, natural gas production grows by an average of 5.2 percent per year, or a total of 3.9 trillion cubic feet from 2010 to 2035 (Figure 108). The Marcellus shale, which accounts for 3.0 trillion cubic feet of the expected increase, is particularly attractive for development because of its large resource base, its proximity to major natural gas consumption markets, and the extensive pipeline infrastructure that already exists in the Northeast.

In the Gulf Coast region, natural gas production grows by 2.0 trillion cubic feet from 2010 to 2035, at an average rate of 1.4 percent per year. Natural gas production from the Haynesville/ Bossier and Eagle Ford formations increases by 2.8 trillion cubic feet over the period, but declines in production from other natural gas fields in the region offset some of the gains, so that the net increase in production for the region as a whole is only about 2 trillion cubic feet.

In the Rocky Mountain region, natural gas production grows by 0.9 trillion cubic feet from 2010 through 2035, with tight sandstone and carbonate production increasing by 0.8 trillion cubic feet and shale gas production by 0.4 trillion cubic feet. As in the Gulf Coast region, production growth in the Rocky Mountain region is offset in part by production declines in the region's other natural gas fields.

The U.S. becomes a net natural gas exporter

Figure 109. U.S. net imports of natural gas by source, 1990-2035
figure data

Shale gas production, which more than doubles from 2010 to 2035, is the largest contributor to the projected growth in total U.S. natural gas production in the Reference case. Regional production growth largely reflects expected increases in production from shale beds. See Figure F4 in Appendix F for a map of U.S. natural gas supply regions.

In the Northeast, natural gas production grows by an average of 5.2 percent per year, or a total of 3.9 trillion cubic feet from 2010 to 2035 (Figure 108). The Marcellus shale, which accounts for 3.0 trillion cubic feet of the expected increase, is particularly attractive for development because of its large resource base, its proximity to major natural gas consumption markets, and the extensive pipeline infrastructure that already exists in the Northeast.

In the Gulf Coast region, natural gas production grows by 2.0 trillion cubic feet from 2010 to 2035, at an average rate of 1.4 percent per year. Natural gas production from the Haynesville/ Bossier and Eagle Ford formations increases by 2.8 trillion cubic feet over the period, but declines in production from other natural gas fields in the region offset some of the gains, so that the net increase in production for the region as a whole is only about 2 trillion cubic feet.

In the Rocky Mountain region, natural gas production grows by 0.9 trillion cubic feet from 2010 through 2035, with tight sandstone and carbonate production increasing by 0.8 trillion cubic feet and shale gas production by 0.4 trillion cubic feet. As in the Gulf Coast region, production growth in the Rocky Mountain region is offset in part by production declines in the region's other natural gas fields.

Natural Gas from Issues in Focus

11. U.S. crude oil and natural gas resource uncertainty

A common measure of the long-term viability of U.S. domestic crude oil and natural gas as an energy source is the remaining technically recoverable resource (TRR). Estimates of TRR are highly uncertain, however, particularly in emerging plays where few wells have been drilled. Early estimates tend to vary and shift significantly over time as new geological information is gained through additional drilling, as long-term productivity is clarified for existing wells, and as the productivity of new wells increases with technology improvements and better management practices. TRR estimates used by EIA for each AEO are based on the latest available well production data and on information from other Federal and State governmental agencies, industry, and academia.

The remaining TRR consist of "proved reserves" and "unproved resources." Proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas are the estimated volumes expected to be produced, with reasonable certainty, under existing economic and operating conditions [109]. Proved reserves are also company financial assets reported to investors, as determined by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. Unproved resources are additional volumes estimated to be technically recoverable without consideration of economics or operating conditions, based on the application of current technology [110]. As wells are drilled and field equipment is installed, unproved resources become proved reserves and, ultimately, production.

AEO estimates of TRR for shale gas and tight oil [111] have changed significantly in recent years (Table 14) [112]. In particular, the estimates of shale gas TRRs have changed significantly since the AEO2011 was published, based on new well performance data and United States Geological Survey (USGS) resource assessments. For example, in the past year the USGS has released resource assessments for five basins: Appalachian (Marcellus only), Arkoma, Texas-Louisiana-Mississippi Salt, Western Gulf, and Anadarko [113]. The shale gas and tight oil formations in those five basins were the primary focus of EIA's resource revisions for AEO2012. In 2002, the USGS estimated Marcellus TRR at 1.9 trillion cubic feet; in 2011, the updated USGS estimate for Marcellus was 84 trillion cubic feet (see the following article for more discussion). For the four other basins, shale gas and tight oil TRR had not been assessed previously. The USGS has not published an assessment of the Utica play in the Appalachian Basin.

The remainder of this discussion describes how estimates of remaining U.S. unproved technically recoverable resources of shale gas and tight oil are developed for AEO, and how uncertainty in those estimates could affect U.S. crude oil and natural gas markets in the future.

The remaining unproved TRR for a continuous-type shale gas or tight oil area is the product of (1) land area, (2) well spacing (wells per square mile), (3) percentage of area untested, (4) percentage of area with potential, and (5) EUR per well [114]. The USGS periodically publishes shale gas resource assessments that are used as a guide for selection of key parameters in the calculation of the TRR used in the AEO. The USGS seeks to assess the recoverability of shale gas and tight oil based on the wells drilled and technologies deployed at the time of the assessment.

The AEO TRRs incorporate current drilling, completion, and recovery techniques, requiring adjustments to the USGS estimates, as well as the inclusion of shale gas and tight oil resources not yet assessed by USGS. When USGS assessments and underlying data become publicly available, the USGS assumptions for land area, well spacing, and percentage of area with potential typically are used by EIA to develop the AEO TRR estimates. EIA may revise the well spacing assumptions in future AEOs to reflect evolving drilling practices. If well production data are available, EIA analyzes the decline curve of producing wells to calculate the expected EUR per well from future drilling.

Of the five basins recently assessed by the USGS, underlying details have been published only for the Marcellus shale play in the Appalachian basin. AEO2012 assumptions for the other shale plays are based on geologic surveys provided from State agencies (if available), analysis of available production data, and analogs from current producing plays with similar geologic properties (Table 15). For AEO2012, only eight plays are included in the tight oil category (Table 16). Additional tight oil resources are expected to be included in the tight oil category in future AEOs as more work is completed in identifying currently producing reservoirs that may be categorized as tight formations, and as new tight oil plays are identified and incorporated.

A key assumption in evaluating the expected profitability of drilling a well is the EUR of the well. EURs vary widely not only across plays but also within a single play. To capture the economics of developing each play, the unproved resources for each play within each basin are divided into subplays—first across States (if applicable), and then into three productivity categories: best, average, and below average. Although the average EUR per well for a play may not change by much from one AEO to the next, the range of well performance encompassed by representative EURs can change substantially (Table 17).

For every AEO, the EUR for each subplay is determined by fitting a hyperbolic decline curve to the latest production history, so that changes in average well performance can be captured. Annual reevaluations are particularly important for shale gas and tight oil formations that have undergone rapid development. For example, because there has been a dramatic change from drilling vertical wells to drilling horizontal wells in most tight oil and shale gas plays since 2003, EURs for those plays based on vertical well performance are less useful for estimating production from future drilling, given that most new wells are expected to be primarily horizontal.

figure data

In addition, the shape of the annual well production profiles associated with the EUR varies substantially across the plays (Figure 54). For example, in the Marcellus, Fayetteville, and Woodford shale gas plays, nearly 65 percent of the well EUR is produced in the first 4 years. In contrast, in the Haynesville and Eagle Ford plays, 95 percent and 82 percent, respectively, of the well EUR is produced in the first four years. For a given EUR level, increased "front loading" of the production profile improves well economics, but it also implies an increased need for additional drilling to maintain production levels.

At the beginning of a shale play's development, high initial well production rates result in significant production growth as drilling activity in the play increases. The length of time over which the rapid growth can be sustained depends on the size of the technically recoverable resource in each play, the rate at which drilling activity increases, and the extent of the play's "sweet spot" area [115]. In the longer term, production growth tapers off as high initial production rates of new wells in "sweet spots" are offset by declining rates of existing wells, and as drilling activity moves into less-productive areas. As a result, in the later stages of a play's resource development, maintaining a stable production rate requires a significant increase in drilling.

The amount of drilling that occurs each year depends on company budgets and finances and the economics of drilling, completing, and operating a well—determined largely by wellhead prices for oil and natural gas in the area. For example, current high crude oil prices and low natural gas prices are directing drilling toward those plays or portions of plays with a high concentration of liquids (crude oil, condensates, and natural gas plant liquids). Clearly, not all the wells that would be needed to develop each play fully can be drilled in one year—for example, more than 630,000 new wells would be needed to bring total U.S. shale gas and tight oil resources into production. In 2010, roughly 37,500 total oil and natural gas wells were drilled in the United States. It takes time and money to evaluate, develop, and produce hydrocarbon resources.

Although changes in the overall TRR estimates are important, the economics of developing the TRR and the timing of the development determine the projections for production of domestic crude oil and natural gas. TRR adjustments that affect resources which are not economical to develop during the projection period do not affect the AEO projections. Thus, significant variation in the overall TRR does not always result in significant changes in projected production.

EUR sensitivity cases and results

Estimated ultimate recovery per well is a key component in estimates of both technically recoverable resources and economically recoverable resources of tight oil and shale gas. The EUR for future wells is highly uncertain, depending on the application of new and/or improved technologies as well as the geology of the formation where the wells will be drilled. EUR assumptions typically have more impact on projected production than do any of the other parameters used to develop TRR estimates. For AEO2012, two cases were created to examine the impacts of higher and lower TRR for tight oil and shale gas by varying the assumed EUR per well.

These High and Low EUR cases are not intended to represent a confidence interval for the resource base, but rather to illustrate how different EUR assumptions can affect projections of domestic production, prices, and consumption. To emphasize this point, an additional case was developed that combines a change in the assumed well spacing for all shale gas and tight oil plays with the EUR assumptions in the High EUR case. Well spacing is also highly uncertain, depending on the application of new and/or improved technologies as well as the geology of the formation where the well is being drilled. In the AEO2012 Reference case, the well spacing for shale gas and tight oil drilling ranges from 2 to 12 wells per square mile.

Low EUR case. In the Low EUR case, the EUR per tight oil or shale gas well is assumed to be 50 percent lower than in the Reference case, increasing the per-unit cost of developing the resource. The total unproved tight oil TRR is decreased to 17 billion barrels, and the shale gas TRR is decreased to 241 trillion cubic feet, as compared with 33 billion barrels of tight oil and 482 trillion cubic feet of shale gas in the Reference case.

High EUR case. In the HIGH EUR case, the EUR per tight oil or shale gas well is assumed to be 50 percent higher than in the Reference case, decreasing the per-unit cost of developing the resource. The total unproved tight oil TRR is increased to 50 billion barrels and the shale gas TRR is increased to 723 trillion cubic feet.

High TRR case. In the High TRR case, the well spacing for all tight oil and shale gas plays is assumed to be 8 wells per square mile (i.e., each well has an average drainage area of 80 acres), and the EUR per tight oil or shale gas well is assumed to be 50 percent higher than in the Reference case. In addition, the total unproved tight oil TRR is increased to 89 billion barrels and the shale gas TRR is increased to 1,091 trillion cubic feet, more than twice the TRRs for tight oil and shale gas wells in the Reference case.

The effects of the changes in assumptions in the three cases on supply, demand, and prices for oil and for natural gas are significantly different in magnitude, because the domestic oil and natural gas markets are distinctly different markets. Consequently, the following discussion focuses first on how the U.S. oil market is affected in the three sensitivity cases, followed by a separate discussion of how the U.S. natural gas market is affected in the three cases.

Crude oil and natural gas liquid impacts

The primary impact of the Low EUR, High EUR, and High TRR cases with respect to oil production is a change in production of tight oil and natural gas plant liquids (NGPL) (Table 18). NGPL production is discussed in conjunction with tight oil production, because significant volumes of NGPL are produced from tight oil and shale gas formations. Thus, changing the EURs directly affects NGPL production. Relative to the Reference case, tight oil production increases more slowly in the Low EUR case and more rapidly in the High EUR and High TRR cases. On average, tight oil production from 2020 to 2035 is approximately 450,000 barrels per day lower in the Low EUR case, 410,000 barrels per day higher in the High EUR case, and 1.3 million barrels per day higher in the High TRR case than in the Reference case (Figure 55). NGPL production in 2035 is more than 350,000 barrels per day lower in the Low EUR case than in the Reference case, nearly 320,000 barrels per day higher in the High EUR case, and 1.0 million barrels per day higher in the High TRR case.

figure data

Tight oil production is highest in the High TRR case, which assumes both higher EUR per well and generally lower drainage area per well than in the Reference case. In the High TRR case, tight oil production increases from roughly 400,000 barrels per day in 2010 to nearly 2.8 million barrels per day in 2035, with the Bakken formation accounting for most of the increase. The TRR estimate for the Bakken is more than 7 times higher in the High TRR case than in the Reference case—39.3 billion barrels compared to 5.4 billion barrels—which supports a continued dramatic production increase through 2015 and a longer plateau at a much higher production level through 2035 than in the Reference case. Bakken crude oil production (excluding NGPLs) increases from roughly 270,000 barrels per day in 2010 to nearly 800,000 barrels per day in 2015 before reaching over 1 million barrels per day in 2021 and remaining at that level through 2035 in the High TRR case, compared with peak tight oil production of roughly 530,000 barrels per day in the Reference case. Cumulative crude oil production from the Bakken from 2010 to 2035 is roughly 8.5 billion barrels in the High TRR case, compared with 4.3 billion barrels in the Reference case.

Every incremental barrel of domestic crude oil production displaces approximately one barrel of imports, because U.S. consumption of liquid fuels varies little across the cases. Consequently, the projected share of net petroleum imports in total U.S. liquid fuel consumption in 2035 varies considerably across the EUR and TRR cases, from 41 percent in the Low EUR case to 24 percent in the High TRR case, as compared with 36 percent in the Reference case. However, additional downstream infrastructure may be required to process the high levels of NGPL production in the High EUR and High TRR cases.

Changes in domestic oil production have only a modest impact on domestic crude oil and petroleum product prices, because any change in domestic oil production is diluted by the much larger world oil market. The United States produced 5.5 million barrels per day, or 7 percent of total world crude oil production of 73.9 million barrels per day in 2010 and is projected generally to maintain that share of world crude oil production through 2035 in the Reference case.

Natural gas impacts

The EUR and TRR cases show more significant impacts on U.S. natural gas supply, consumption, and prices than that projected for crude oil and petroleum products for two reasons (Table 19). First, the U.S. natural gas market constitutes the largest regional submarket within the relatively self-contained North American natural gas market. Second, in the Reference case, shale gas production accounts for 49 percent of total U.S. natural gas production in 2035, while tight oil production accounts for only 14 percent of total U.S. crude oil and NGPL production and 1 percent of world crude oil production. As a result, changes in shale gas production have a commensurately larger impact on North American natural gas prices than tight oil production has on world oil prices.

figure data

The projections for domestic shale gas production are highly sensitive to the assumed EUR per well. In 2035, total shale gas production varies from 9.7 trillion cubic feet in the Low EUR case to 16.0 trillion cubic feet in the High EUR case and 20.5 trillion cubic feet in the High TRR case, as compared with 13.6 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case (Figure 56). Because shale gas production accounts for such a large proportion of total natural gas production in 2035, the large changes in shale gas production result in commensurately large swings in total U.S. natural gas production. In 2035, total U.S. natural gas production ranges from 26.1 trillion cubic feet in the Low EUR case to 34.1 trillion cubic feet in the High TRR case, a difference of 8.0 trillion cubic feet production between the two cases.

In comparison with the Reference case, per-unit production costs are nearly double in the Low EUR case and about one-half in the High EUR case. In the Low EUR case, the Henry Hub natural gas price of $8.26 per million Btu in 2035 (2010 dollars) is $0.89 per million Btu higher than the Reference case price of $7.37 per million Btu. In the High EUR case, the 2035 Henry Hub natural gas price of $5.99 per million Btu is $1.38 per million Btu lower than the Reference case price. In the High TRR case, the 2035 Henry Hub natural gas price of $4.25 per million Btu is $3.12 per million Btu less than the Reference case price.

The natural gas prices projected in the Low EUR case are sufficiently high to enable completion of an Alaska gas pipeline, with operations beginning in 2031. Because an Alaska gas pipeline would make up for some of the reduction in Lower 48 shale gas production, differences between the Reference and Low EUR case projections for natural gas production, prices, and consumption in 2035 are somewhat less than would otherwise be expected.

The 2035 price spread of $4.01 per million Btu across the cases is reflected in the projected levels of U.S. natural gas consumption. Higher natural gas prices in the Low EUR case reduce total natural gas consumption to 25.0 trillion cubic feet in 2035, compared with 26.6 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case; and lower natural gas prices in the High EUR and High TRR cases increase consumption in 2035 to 28.4 trillion cubic feet and 31.9 trillion cubic feet, respectively.

The variation in total U.S. natural gas consumption between the High EUR and High TRR cases is reflected to some degree in each end-use category. The electric power sector shows the greatest sensitivity to natural gas prices, with natural gas use for electricity generation being more responsive to changes in fuel prices than is consumption in the other sectors, because much of the electric power sector's fuel consumption is determined by the dispatching of existing generation units based on the operating cost of each unit, which in turn is determined largely by the costs of competing fuels—especially coal and natural gas. Natural gas consumption in the electric power sector in 2035 totals 7.7 trillion cubic feet in the Low EUR case, compared with 9.0 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case, 10.1 trillion cubic feet in the High EUR case, and 12.6 trillion cubic feet in the High TRR case.

In the end-use consumption sectors, opportunities to switch fuels generally are limited to when a new facility is built or when a facility's existing equipment is retired and replaced. Collectively, for all the end-use sectors, natural gas consumption in 2035 varies by only about 1.9 trillion cubic feet across the cases, from 17.3 trillion cubic feet in the Low EUR case to 19.2 trillion cubic feet in the High TRR case, as compared with 17.7 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case.

In 2035, the United States is projected to be a net exporter of natural gas in all the cases. The projected volumes of net exports vary, with lower natural gas prices resulting in higher net exports. However, the High TRR, High EUR, and Low EUR cases assume that U.S. gross exports of LNG remain constant at 0.9 trillion cubic feet from 2020 through 2035, because of the inherent complexities and uncertainties of projecting foreign natural gas production, consumption, and trade. It is likely, however, that actual levels of net LNG exports would be affected by changes in U.S. prices, which in turn, would dampen the extent of the price difference across the resource cases.

The variation in levels of net U.S. natural gas exports shown in Table 20 reflects the impact of domestic natural gas prices on natural gas pipeline imports and exports. Generally, lower natural gas prices, as in the High TRR case, result in lower natural gas imports from Canada and higher natural gas exports to Mexico. In 2035, net natural gas exports from the United States vary from 1.2 trillion cubic feet in the Low EUR case to 2.4 trillion cubic feet in the High TRR case, as compared with 1.4 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case.

The sensitivity cases in this discussion are not intended to provide a confidence interval for estimates of recoverable resources of domestic tight oil and shale gas but rather to illustrate the significance of key assumptions underlying the tight oil and shale gas TRRs used in AEO2012. TRR estimates are highly uncertain and can be expected to change in subsequent AEOs as additional information is gained through continued exploration, development, and production.

12. Evolving Marcellus shale gas resource estimates

As discussed in the preceding article, estimates of crude oil and natural gas TRR are uncertain. Estimates of the Marcellus shale TRR, which have received considerable attention over the past year, are no exception. TRR estimates are likely to continue evolving as drilling continues and more information becomes publicly available. The Marcellus shale gas play covers more than 100,000 square miles in parts of eight States, but most of the drilling to date has been in two areas of northeast Pennsylvania and southwest Pennsylvania/northern West Virginia. Until 2010, the State of Pennsylvania had maintained a 5-year embargo on the release of well-level production data, which severely limited the publicly available information about Marcellus well production. Now Pennsylvania provides well production data on a cumulative basis—annually for the years before 2010 and semi-annually starting in the second half of 2010. Even with more data available, however, it is still a challenge to estimate TRR for the Marcellus play.

Figure 57. United States Geological Survey Marcellus Assessment Units.

In 2002, the USGS estimated that 0.8 trillion cubic feet to 3.7 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas resources existed in the Marcellus, with a mean estimate of 1.9 trillion cubic feet [116]. At that time, most of the well production data available were for vertical wells drilled in West Virginia. Since 2003, technological improvements have led to more-productive and less-costly wells. The newer horizontal wells have higher EURs [117] than the older vertical wells. In 2011, the USGS released an updated assessment for the Marcellus resource, with a mean estimate of 84 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered TRR (ranging from 43 trillion cubic feet to 144 trillion cubic feet) [118]. For its 2011 assessment, the USGS evaluated well production data from Pennsylvania and West Virginia that were available in early 2011 and determined that the data were "not sufficient for the construction of individual well Estimated Ultimate Recovery distributions" [119]. Instead, the USGS chose analogs from other U.S. shale gas plays to determine the EUR distributions for its three Marcellus assessment units—Foldbelt, Interior, and Western Margin (Figure 57).

Estimates of the TRR for U.S. shale gas are updated each year for the AEO. For AEO2011, an independent consultant was hired to estimate the Marcellus TRR as the available USGS TRR estimate issued in 2003 was clearly too low, since cumulative production from the Marcellus shale was on a path to exceed it within a year or two. For AEO2012, EIA adopted the 2011 USGS estimates of the Marcellus assessment areas, well spacing, and percent of area with potential. However, EIA examines available well production data each year to estimate shale EURs for use in the AEO (Table 20).

The revised Marcellus EUR for AEO2012 is close to the EUR used in AEO2011 but nearly 70 percent higher than the EUR used in the 2011 USGS assessment. The Interior Assessment Unit EURs developed by EIA reflects the current practice of horizontal drilling and well production data through June 2011 for Pennsylvania and West Virginia [120]. Because there has been very little, if any, drilling in the Western Margin and Foldbelt Assessment Units, the USGS EURs were used for the States in those areas. The resulting AEO2012 estimate for the Marcellus TRR is 67 percent lower than the AEO2011 estimate, primarily as a result of increased well spacing (132 acres per well vs.80 acres per well) and a lower percentage of area with potential (18 percent vs. 34 percent) (Table 21).

The estimation of Marcellus shale gas resources is highly uncertain, given both the short production history of current producing wells and the concentration of most producing wells in two small areas, Northeast Pennsylvania and Southwest Pennsylvania/Northern West NC Virginia. The Marcellus EURs are expected to change as additional data are released and the methodology for developing EURs is refined. Also, as more wells are drilled over a broader area, and as operators optimize well spacing to account for evolving drilling practices, the assumption for average well spacing may be revised. Although the Marcellus shale resource estimate will be updated for every AEO, revisions will not necessarily have a significant impact on projected natural gas production, consumption, and prices.


109 See also EIA, "U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves," November 30, 2010.

110 The further delineation of unproved resources into inferred reserves and undiscovered resources is not applicable to continuous resources since the extent of the formation is geologically known. For continuous resources, the USGS undiscovered technically recoverable resources are comparable to the EIA unproved resources. The USGS methodology for assessing continuous petroleum resources is at pubs.usgs.gov/ds/547/downloads/DS547.pdf.

111 "Tight oil" refers to crude oil and condensates produced from low-permeability sandstone, carbonate, and shale formations.

112 See shale gas map for basin locations.

113 Appalachian; Arkoma; TX-LA-MS Salt and Western Gulf; Anadarko.

114 A well's estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) equals the cumulative production of that well over a 30-year productive life, using current technology without consideration of economic or operating conditions.

115 "Sweet spot" is an industry term for those select and limited areas within a shale or tight play where the well EURs are significantly greater than the rest of the play, sometimes as much as ten times greater than the lower production areas within a play.

116 USGS Fact Sheet FS-009-03.

117 A well's EUR equals the cumulative production of that well over a 30-year productive life, using current technology without consideration of economic or operating conditions.

118 USGS Fact Sheet 2011-3092.

119 USGS Open-File Report 2011-1298, page 2.

120 Well-level production from Pennsylvania is provided in two time intervals (annual and semi-annual). To estimate production on a comparable basis, well-level production is converted to an average daily rate by dividing gas quantity by gas production days. Because wells drilled before 2008 are vertical wells and do not reflect the technology currently being deployed, only wells drilled after 2007 are considered in the EUR evaluation. Well-level production for wells drilled in West Virginia is provided on a monthly basis.

129 The factors that influence decisionmaking on capacity additions include electricity demand growth, the need to replace inefficient plants, the costs and operating efficiencies of different generation options, fuel prices, State RPS programs, and the availability of Federal tax credits for some technologies.

Reference Case Tables
Table 1. Total Energy Supply, Disposition, and Price Summary XLS
Table 13. Natural Gas Supply, Disposition, and Prices XLS
Table 14. Oil and Gas Supply XLS
Table 18. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - United States XLS
Table 18.1. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - New England XLS
Table 18.2. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Middle Atlantic XLS
Table 18.3. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East North Central XLS
Table 18.4. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West North Central XLS
Table 18.5. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - South Atlantic XLS
Table 18.6. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East South Central XLS
Table 18.7. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West South Central XLS
Table 18.8. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Mountain XLS
Table 18.9. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Pacific XLS
Table 61. Lower 48 Crude Oil Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region XLS
Table 62. Lower 48 Natural Gas Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region XLS
Table 63. Oil and Gas End-of-Year Reserves and Annual Reserve Additions XLS
Table 64. Natural Gas Imports and Exports XLS
Table 65. Natural Gas Consumption by End-Use Sector and Census Division XLS
Table 66. Natural Gas Delivered Prices by End-Use Sector and Census Division XLS
Table 67. Primary Natural Gas Flows Entering NGTDM Region from Neighboring Regions XLS