September is World Alzheimer's Month. Worldwide, 35 million people and their families are affected by dementia. Join us by raising awareness, reducing stigma and sharing your story. Together, we can help end Alzheimer's.

Wear purple on Sept. 21, Alzheimer's Action Day; then turn Facebook and Twitter purple by changing your profile picture to our END ALZ icon & telling your friends to do the same.
Whether it's by sharing a diagnosis — or taking action to honor a family member — read how these brave individuals are overcoming stigma & facing Alzheimer's head on.
Whether you are a caregiver, family member, person with the disease or friend – tell us how you are fighting stigma and taking action to end Alzheimer's.

Speak up with these tips:

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Vivamus mauris ante, posuere non rutrum eu, viverra id nunc. Fusce ornare adipiscing dignissim.
  3. Ut molestie feugiat tortor, ut tristique nisi elementum ac.

Raise Awareness

Help us raise awareness during World Alzheimer's Month. You can make a difference by taking these actions:


Show Your Support

Women's T-Shirt
Men's T-Shirt
Unisex Sweatshirt

Playing Cards
Purple With a Purpose

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Overcoming Stigma

Rob Epp is a caregiver for his partner Jordan, who was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer's four years ago. Rob believes raising awareness of this disease is essential for those living with it.

"There is stigma surrounding any serious illness, but if people understand then they won't be afraid. And if they're not afraid then there is no stigma — just the disease." Read Rob and Jordan's story.  

Living with Alzheimer's

Myriam Marquez is living with early-stage Alzheimer's. After receiving her diagnosis, Myriam left her position as an attorney and public defender to pursue a new path as a passionate advocate for Alzheimer's.

She joined the Alzheimer's Association National Early-Stage Advisory Group to raise awareness of this disease. In her own words, "I want to spend the rest of my life advocating for a cure and living life to its fullest."

Serenading to Raise Awareness

Glen Campbell stunned fans by going public with his diagnosis of Alzheimer's last year. Since then, he has kept singing. He serenaded Congress, went on tour, and released an album.

Campbell's daughter Ashley explains, "We decided to go on a farewell tour with him to keep his struggle public," she said. "We didn't want people to think they were going through this alone. This isn't a disease that just affects the person living with it — it affects their entire family."  

Going Purple for Past and Future Generations

Emma Fuhrmann is putting Alzheimer's in the spotlight to honor her grandmother.

"I'm only 10 and I have two family members who have suffered from this disease. Both didn't know who I was in the end. If we don't find a cure, I could be faced with it like my Grandma was, and that has to be the scariest thing to even think about."  

Raising Awareness in the Workplace

Leslie Sosebee is a Retiree Health Promotion Coordinator for The Dow Chemical Company. She is raising awareness and educating company retirees about Alzheimer's.

"From my experience, there is stigma around Alzheimer's, even among the very age group who are at the greatest risk. I believe that Dow's participation in the Alzheimer's Early Detection Alliance (AEDA) has helped legitimize the message for our retirees, but we still have a long way to go to make Alzheimer's a topic we can discuss as easily as we do other chronic diseases."

  • Rob Epp is a caregiver for his partner Jordan; he is committed to overcoming stigma through education.

  • Myriam Marquez is living with Alzheimer's & advocating for a cure while living life to the fullest.

  • Glen Campbell publically shared his diagnosis with the world & serenaded Congress to raise awareness.

  • Emma Fuhrmann is putting Alzheimer's in the spotlight to honor her grandmother.

  • Leslie Sosebee is educating Dow Chemical Company retirees about Alzheimer's.