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Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

Residential from Market Trends

Industrial and commercial sectors lead U.S. growth in primary energy use

Figure 72. Primary energy use by end-use sector, 2010-2035figure data

Total primary energy consumption, including fuels used for electricity generation, grows by 0.3 percent per year from 2010 to 2035, to 106.9 quadrillion Btu in 2035 in the AEO2012 Reference case (Figure 72). The largest growth, 3.3 quadrillion Btu from 2010 to 2035, is in the commercial sector, which currently accounts for the smallest share of end-use energy demand. Even as standards for building shells and energy efficiency are being tightened in the commercial sector, the growth rate for commercial energy use, at 0.7 percent per year, is the highest among the end-use sectors, propelled by 1.0 percent average annual growth in commercial floorspace.

The industrial sector, which was more severely affected than the other end-use sectors by the 2008-2009 economic downturn, shows the second-largest increase in total primary energy use, at 3.1 quadrillion Btu from 2010 to 2035. The total increase in industrial energy consumption is 2.1 quadrillion Btu from 2008 to 2035, attributable to increased production of biofuels to meet the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA2007) renewable fuels standard (RFS) as well as increased use of natural gas in some industries, such as food and paper, to generate their own electricity.

Primary energy use in both the residential and transportation sectors grows by 0.2 percent per year, or by just over 1 quadrillion Btu each from 2010 to 2035. In the residential sector, increased efficiency reduces energy use for space heating, lighting, and clothes washers and dryers. In the transportation sector, light-duty vehicle (LDV) energy consumption declines after 2012 to 14.7 quadrillion Btu in 2023 (the lowest point since 1998) before increasing through 2035, when it is still 4 percent below the 2010 level.

Residential energy use per household declines for a range of technology assumptions

Figure 74. Residential delivered energy intensity in four cases, 2005-2035figure data

In the AEO2012 Reference case, residential sector energy intensity, defined as average energy use per household per year, declines by 19.8 percent, to 81.9 million Btu per year in 2035 (Figure 74). Total delivered energy use in the residential sector remains relatively constant from 2010 to 2035, but a 27.5-percent growth in the number of households reduces the average energy intensity of each household. Most residential end-use services become less energy-intensive, with space heating accounting for more than one-half of the decrease. Population shifts to warmer and drier climates also contribute to a reduction in demand for space heating.

Three alternative cases show how different technology assumptions affect residential energy intensity. The 2011 Demand Technology case assumes no improvement in efficiency for end-use equipment or building shells beyond those available in 2011. The High Demand Technology case assumes higher efficiency, earlier availability, lower cost, and more frequent energy-efficient purchases for some advanced equipment. The Best Available Demand Technology case limits customers who purchase new and replacement equipment to the most efficient model available in the year of purchase—regardless of cost and assumes that new homes are constructed to the most energy-efficient specifications.

From 2010 to 2035, household energy intensity declines by 27.7 percent in the High Demand Technology case and by 37.9 percent in the Best Available Demand Technology case. In the 2011 Demand Technology case, household energy intensity also falls as older appliances are replaced with 2011 vintage equipment. Without further gains in efficiency for residential equipment and building shells, the total decline from 2010 to 2035 is only 13.2 percent.

Electricity use increases with number of households despite efficiency improvement

Figure 75. Change in residential electricity consumption for selected end uses in the Reference case, 2010-2035figure data

Despite a decrease in electricity consumption per household, total delivered electricity use in the residential sector grows at an average rate of 0.7 percent per year in the AEO2012 Reference case, while natural gas use and petroleum and other liquids use fall by 0.2 percent and 1.3 percent per year, respectively, from 2010 to 2035. The increase in efficiency, driven by new standards and improved technology, is not high enough to offset the growth in the number of households and electricity consumption in "other" uses.

Portions of the Federal lighting standards outlined in EISA2007 went into effect on January 1, 2012. Over the next two years, general-service lamps that provide 310 to 2,600 lumens of light are required to consume about 30 percent less energy than typical incandescent bulbs. High-performance incandescent, compact fluorescent, and light-emitting diode (LED) lamps continue to replace low-efficacy incandescent lamps. In 2035, delivered energy for lighting per household in the Reference case is 827 kilowatthours per household lower, or 47 percent below the 2010 level (Figure 75).

Electricity consumption for three groups of electricity end uses increases on a per-household basis in the Reference case. Electricity use for televisions and set-top boxes grows by an average of 1.1 percent per year, accounting for 7.3 percent of total delivered electricity consumption in 2035. Personal computers (PCs) and related equipment account for 4.6 percent of residential electricity consumption in 2035, averaging 1.8-percent annual growth from their 2010 level. Electricity use by other household electrical devices, for which market penetration increases with little coverage by efficiency standards, increases by 1.8 percent annually and accounts for nearly onefourth of total residential electricity consumption in 2035.

Residential consumption varies depending on efficiency assumptions

Figure 76. Ratio of residential delivered energy consumption for selected end usesfigure data

The AEO2012 Reference case and three alternative cases demonstrate opportunities for improved energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption in the residential sector. The Reference, High Demand Technology, and Best Available Demand Technology cases include different levels of efficiency improvement without anticipating the enactment of new appliance standards. The Extended Policies case assumes the enactment of new rounds of standards, generally based on improvements seen in current ENERGY STAR equipment.

Despite continued growth in the number of households and number of appliances, energy consumption for some end uses is lower in 2035 than in 2010, implying that improved energy efficiency offsets the growth in service demand. In the case of natural gas space heating, population shifts towards warmer and drier climates also reduce consumption; the opposite is true for electric space cooling.

In the Extended Policies case, the enactment of new standards is based on the U.S. Department of Energy's multi-year schedule. For lighting, which already has an EISA2007-based standard that is scheduled to go into effect in 2020, future standards are not assumed until 2026. Among electric end uses, lighting has the largest percentage decline in energy use (more than 50 percent) in the Best Available Demand Technology case from 2010 to 2035 (Figure 76).

Televisions and set-top boxes, which are not currently covered by Federal standards, are assumed to have new standards in 2016 and 2018, respectively, in the Extended Policies case. The enactment of these new standards holds energy use for televisions and set-top boxes at or near their 2010 levels through 2035.

Tax credits could spur growth in renewable energy equipment in the residential sector

Figure 77. Residential market penetration by renewable technologies in two cases, 2010, 2020, and 2035figure data

Consistent with current law, existing investment tax credits (ITCs) expire at the end of 2016 in the AEO2012 Reference case. The current credits can offset 30 percent of installed costs for a variety of distributed generation (DG) technologies, fostering their adoption. Installations slow dramatically after the ITCs expire, and in several cases their overall market penetration falls because growth in households exceeds the rise in new renewable installations (Figure 77). In the AEO2012 Extended Policies case, the ITCs are extended through 2035, and penetration rates for all renewable technologies continue to rise.

In the Reference case, photovoltaic (PV) and wind capacities grow by average rates of 10.8 percent and 9.2 percent per year, respectively, from 2010 to 2035. In the Extended Policies case, residential PV capacity increases to 54.6 gigawatts in 2035, with annual growth averaging 18.1 percent, and wind capacity grows to 11.0 gigawatts in 2035, averaging 15.9 percent per year.

The ITCs also affect the penetration of renewable spaceconditioning and water-heating equipment. Ground-source heat pumps reach a 2.6-percent market share in 2035 in the Extended Policies case, after adding nearly 3.5 million units. In the Reference case, without the ITC extension, their market penetration is only 1.5 percent in 2035, with 1.6 million fewer installations than in the Extended Policies case.

Market penetration of solar water heaters in the Extended Policies case is 2.5 percent in 2035, more than triple the Reference case share. In the Reference case, installations increase by 2.5 percent annually from 2010 to 2035, compared with 7.5 percent annually in the Extended Policies case.

Transportation uses lead growth in consumption of petroleum and other liquids

Figure 110. Consumption of petroleum and other liquids by sector, 1990-2035
figure data

In 2010, the United States imported 11 percent of its total natural gas supply. In the AEO2012 Reference case, U.S. natural gas production grows faster than consumption, so that early in the next decade exports exceed imports. In 2035, U.S. net natural gas exports are about 1.4 trillion cubic feet (about 4 billion cubic feet per day), half of which is exported overseas as liquefied natural gas (LNG). The other half is transported by pipelines, primarily to Mexico.

U.S. LNG exports supplied from lower 48 natural gas production are assumed to start when LNG export capacity of 1.1 billion cubic feet per day goes into operation in 2016. An additional 1.1 billion cubic feet per day of capacity is expected to come on line in 2019. At full capacity, the facilities could ship 0.8 trillion cubic feet of LNG to overseas consumers per year. Net U.S. LNG exports are somewhat lower than those figures imply, however, because LNG imports to the New England region are projected to continue. In general, future U.S. exports of LNG depend on a number of factors that are difficult to anticipate and thus are highly uncertain.

Net natural gas imports from Canada decline over the next decade in the Reference case and then stabilize at about 1.1 trillion cubic feet per year (Figure 109), when natural gas prices in the U.S. lower 48 States become high enough to motivate Canadian producers to expand their production of shale gas and tight gas. In Mexico, natural gas consumption shows robust growth through 2035, while Mexico's production grows at a slower rate. As a result, increasing volumes of imported natural gas from the United States fill the growing gap between Mexico's production and consumption.

Residential from Issues in Focus

3. Potential efficiency improvements and their impacts on end-use energy demand

In 2010, the residential and commercial buildings sectors used 20.4 quadrillion Btu of delivered energy, or 28 percent of total U.S. energy consumption. The residential sector accounted for 57 percent of that energy use and the commercial sector 43 percent. In the AEO2012 Reference case, delivered energy for buildings increases by a total of 9 percent, to 22.2 quadrillion Btu in 2035, which is modest relative to the rate of increase in the number of buildings and their occupants. In contrast, the U.S. population increases by 25 percent, commercial floorspace increases by 27 percent, and the number of households increases by 28 percent. Accordingly, energy use in the buildings sector on a per-capita basis declines in the projection. The decline of buildings energy use per capita in past years has been attributable in part to improvements in the efficiencies of appliances and building shells, and efficiency improvements continue to play a key role in projections of buildings energy consumption.

Existing policies, such as Federal appliance standards, along with evolving State policies, and market forces, are drivers of energy efficiency in the United States. A number of recent changes in the broader context of the U.S. energy system that affect energy prices, such as advances in shale gas extraction and the economic slowdown, also have the potential to affect the dynamics of energy efficiency improvement in the U.S. buildings sector. Although these influences are important, technology improvement remains a critical factor for energy use in the buildings sector. The emphasis for this analysis is on fundamental factors, particularly technology factors, that affect energy efficiency, rather than on potential policy or regulatory options.

Figure 20. Residential and commercial delivered energy consumption in four cases, 2010-2035
figure data

Three alternative cases in AEO2012 illustrate the impacts of different assumptions for rates of technology improvement on delivered energy use in the residential and commercial sectors (Figure 20). These cases are in addition to the Extended Policies and No Sunset cases discussed earlier, and they are intended to provide a broader perspective on changes in demand-side technologies. In the High Demand Technology case, high-efficiency technologies are assumed to penetrate end-use markets at lower consumer hurdle rates, with related assumptions in the transportation and industrial sectors. In the Best Available Demand Technology case, new equipment purchases are limited to the most efficient versions of technologies available in the residential and commercial buildings sectors regardless of cost. In the 2011 Demand Technology case, future equipment purchases are limited to the options available in 2011 ("frozen technology"), and 2011 building codes remain unchanged through 2035. Like the High Demand and Best Available Demand Technology cases, the 2011 Demand Technology case includes all current Federal standards.

Without the benefits of technology improvement, buildings energy use in the 2011 Demand Technology case grows to 23.4 quadrillion Btu in 2035, as compared with 22.2 quadrillion Btu in the Reference case. In the High Demand Technology case, energy delivered to the buildings sectors only reaches about 20 quadrillion Btu for any year in the projection period, and in the Buildings Best Available Demand Technology case it declines to 17.9 quadrillion Btu in 2026 before rising slightly to 18.1 quadrillion Btu in 2035.


The residential and commercial sectors together are referred to as the "buildings sector." The cases discussed here are not policy-driven scenarios but rather "what-if" cases used to illustrate the impacts of alternative technology penetration trajectories on buildings sector energy use. In a general sense, this approach can be understood as reflecting uncertainty about technological progress itself, or uncertainty about consumer behavior, in that the market response to a new technology is uncertain. This type of uncertainty is being studied through market research, behavioral economics, and related disciplines that examine how purchasers perceive options, differentiate products, and react to information over time. By varying technology progress across the full range of end uses, the integrated demand cases provide estimates of potential changes in energy savings that, in reality, are likely to be less uniform and more specific to certain end uses, technologies, and consumer groups. Specific assumptions for each of the cases are summarized in Tables 6 and 7.

Results for the residential sector

To emphasize that efficiency is persistent and its effects accumulate over time, energy use is discussed in terms of cumulative reductions (2011-2035) relative to a case with no future advances in technology after 2011. An extensive range of residential equipment is covered by Federal efficiency standards, and the continuing effects of those standards contribute to the cumulative reduction in delivered energy use of 12.3 quadrillion Btu through 2035 in the Reference case relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case. Electricity and natural gas account for more than 85 percent of the difference, each showing a cumulative reduction greater than 5 quadrillion Btu over the period. Energy use for space heating shows the most improvement in the Reference case, affected by improvements in building shells and heating equipment (Figure 21). Televisions and PCs and related equipment use 1.9 quadrillion Btu less energy over the projection period, as devices with energy-saving features continue to penetrate the market, and laptops continue to gain market share over desktop PCs.

Figure 21. Cumulative reductions in residential energy consumption relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case, 2011-2035
figure data

Cumulative savings in residential energy use from 2011 to 2035 total 31.6 quadrillion Btu in the High Demand Technology case and 56.2 quadrillion Btu in the Best Available Demand Technology case in comparison with the 2011 Demand Technology case. Electricity accounts for the largest share of the reductions in the High Demand Technology case (49 percent) and the Best Available Demand Technology case (51 percent). In addition to adopting more optimistic assumptions in the High Demand Technology and Best Available Demand Technology cases for end-use equipment, residential PV and wind technologies are assumed to have greater cost declines than in the Reference case, contributing to reductions in purchased electricity. In 2035, residential PV and wind systems produce 23 billion kilowatthours more electricity in the Best Available Demand Technology case than in the 2011 Demand Technology case.

In the High Demand Technology and Best Available Demand Technology cases, energy use for residential space heating again shows the most improvement relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case. Large kitchen and laundry appliances claim a small share of the reductions, as Federal standards limit increases in energy consumption for those uses even in the 2011 Demand Technology case. Light-emitting diodes (LED) lighting provide the potential for further savings in the High and Best Available Demand Technology cases beyond the reductions realized as a result of the EISA2007 (Public Law 110-140) lighting standards.

Results for the commercial sector

Figure 22. Cumulative reductions in commercial energy consumption relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case, 2011-2035
figure data

Like the residential sector, analysis results for the commercial sector are discussed here in terms of cumulative reductions relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case, in order to illustrate the effect of efficiency improvements over the period from 2011 to 2035. Buildings in the commercial sector are less homogeneous than those in the residential sector, in terms of both form and function. Although many commercial products are subject to Federal efficiency standards, FEMP guidelines, and ENERGY STAR specifications, coverage is not as comprehensive as in the residential sector. Still, those initiatives and the ensuing efficiency improvements contribute to a cumulative reduction in commercial delivered energy use of 4.1 quadrillion Btu in the Reference case relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case (Figure 22). Virtually all of the reduction is in purchased electricity. Increased adoption of DG and CHP accounts for 0.4 quadrillion Btu (115 billion kilowatthours) of the cumulative reduction in purchased electricity in the Reference case. Commercial natural gas use is actually slightly higher in the Reference case because of the increased penetration of CHP. Office-related computer equipment sees the most significant end-use energy savings relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case, primarily because laptop computers gain market share from desktop computers.

Commercial heating, ventilation and cooling account for almost 50 percent of the 17.1 quadrillion Btu in cumulative energy savings in the High Demand Technology case relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case. The more optimistic assumptions for enduse equipment in the High Demand Technology case offset the additional energy consumed as a result of greater adoption of CHP, resulting in a cumulative reduction in natural gas consumption of 0.9 quadrillion Btu. The increase in distributed and CHP generation contributes 0.8 quadrillion Btu (231 billion kilowatthours) to the cumulative reduction in purchased electricity use.

Technologies such as LED lighting result in almost as much improvement as space heating and ventilation in the Best Available Demand Technology case relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case. Significant reductions are seen for all enduse services, with a cumulative reduction in energy consumption of 24.6 quadrillion Btu. Even when consumers choose the most efficient type of each end-use technology, the more optimistic assumptions regarding technology learning for advanced CHP technologies result in more natural gas use in the Best Available Demand Technology case relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case.

In comparison to a case that restricts future equipment to the efficiencies available in 2011, the alternative cases show the potential for reductions in energy consumption from the adoption of more energy-efficient technologies. In the Reference case, technology improvement reduces residential energy consumption by 12.3 quadrillion Btu—equivalent to 4.1 percent of total residential energy use—from 2011 to 2035 in comparison with the 2011 Demand Technology case. In the commercial sector, energy consumption is reduced by 4.1 quadrillion Btu—equivalent to 1.7 percent of total commercial energy use—over the same period. With greater technology improvement in the High Demand Technology case, cumulative energy savings from 2011 to 2035 rise by an additional 6.4 percent and 5.5 percent in the residential and commercial sectors, respectively. In the Best Available Demand Technology case, the cumulative reductions in energy consumption grow by an additional 8.2 percent and 3.1 percent in the residential and commercial sectors, respectively. In the Reference case, a cumulative total of 16.4 quadrillion Btu of energy consumption is avoided over the projection period relative to the 2011 Demand Technology case. That reduction is roughly equivalent to 80 percent of the energy that the buildings sectors consumed in 2010. In the Best Available Demand Technology case, cumulative energy consumption is reduced by an additional 64.3 quadrillion Btu from 2011 to 2035.

9. Nuclear power in AEO2012

In the AEO2012 Reference case, electricity generation from nuclear power in 2035 is 10 percent above the 2010 total. The nuclear share of overall generation, however, declines from 20 percent in 2010 to 18 percent in 2035, reflecting increased shares for natural gas and renewables.

In the Reference case, 15.8 gigawatts of new nuclear capacity is added from 2010 through 2035, including both new builds (a total of 8.5 gigawatts) and power uprates at operating nuclear power plants (7.3 gigawatts). A total of 6.1 gigawatts of nuclear capacity is retired in the Reference case, with most of the retirements coming after 2030. However, given the current uncertainty about likely lifetimes of nuclear plants now in operation and the potential for new builds, AEO2012 includes several alternative cases to examine the impacts of different assumptions about future nuclear power plant uprates and operating lifetimes.


Power plant uprates involve projects that are intended to increase the licensed capacity of existing nuclear power plants and permit those plants to generate more electricity. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) must approve all uprate projects before they are undertaken and verify that the reactors will be able to operate safely at higher levels of output. Power plant uprates can increase plant capacity by 1 to 20 percent, depending on the size and type of the uprate project. Capital expenditures may be small (e.g., installing a more accurate sensor) or significant (e.g., replacing key plant components, such as turbines).

In developing projections for nuclear power, EIA relies on both reported data and estimates. Reported data come from Form EIA-860 [78], which requires all nuclear power plant owners to report any plans for building new plants or making major modifications to existing plants (such as uprates) over the next 10 years. In 2010, operators reported that they intended to complete uprate projects sometime during the next 10 years, which together would add a total of 0.8 gigawatts of new capacity. In addition to the reported plans for capacity uprates, EIA assumed that additional power uprates over the period from 2011 to 2035 would add another 6.5 gigawatts of capacity, based on interactions with EIA stakeholders with significant experience in implementing power plant uprates.

New builds

Building a new nuclear power plant is a tremendously complex project that can take many years to complete. Specialized highwage workers, expensive materials and components, and engineering and construction expertise are required, and only a select group of firms worldwide can provide them. In the current economic environment of low natural gas prices and flat demand for electricity, the overall market conditions for new nuclear power plants are challenging.

Nuclear power plants are among the most expensive options for new generating capacity available today [79]. In the AEO2012 Reference case, the overnight capital costs associated with building a nuclear power plant planned in 2012 are assumed to be $5,335 per kilowatt of capacity, which translates to $11.7 billion for a dual-unit 2,200-megawatt power plant. The overnight costs do not include additional costs such as financing, interest carried forward, and peripheral infrastructure updates [80]. Despite the cost, however, deployment of new nuclear capacity supports the long-term resource plans of many utilities, by allowing fuel diversification and providing a hedge in the future against potential GHG emissions regulations or natural gas prices that are higher than expected.

Incentive programs exist to encourage the construction of new reactors in the United States. At the Federal level, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT05) established a loan guarantee program for new nuclear plants completed and in operation by 2020 [81]. A total of $18.5 billion is available, of which $8.3 billion has been conditionally committed to the construction of Southern Company's Vogtle Units 3 and 4 [82]. EPACT05 also provides a PTC of $18 per megawatthour for electricity produced during the first 8 years of operation for a new nuclear plant [83]. New nuclear plants must be operational by 2021 to be eligible for the PTC, and the credit is limited to the first 6 gigawatts of new nuclear plant capacity. In addition to Federal incentives, several States provide favorable regulatory environments for new nuclear plants by allowing plant owners to recover their investments through retail electricity rates.

Several utilities are moving forward with plans to deploy new nuclear power plants in the United States. The Reference case reflects those plans by including 6.8 gigawatts of new nuclear capacity over the projection period. As reported on Form EIA-860, 5.5 gigawatts of new capacity (Vogtle Units 3 and 4, Summer Units 2 and 3, and Watts Bar Unit 2) are expected to be operational by 2020 [84]. The Reference case also includes 1.3 gigawatts associated with the construction of Bellefonte Unit 1, which the Tennessee Valley Authority reflects in its Integrated Resource Plan [85].

In addition to reported plans for new nuclear power plants, 1.8 gigawatts of unplanned capacity is built in the later years of the Reference case. Higher natural gas prices, recovering demand for electricity, and the need to make up for the loss of a limited amount of nuclear capacity all play a role in the additional builds.

Long-term operation of the existing nuclear power fleet

The NRC has the authority to issue initial operating licenses for commercial nuclear power plants for a period of 40 years. As of December 31, 2011, there were 7 reactors that received their initial full power operating licenses over 40 years ago. Among this set of reactors, Oyster Creek Unit 1 was the first reactor to operate for over 40 years, after receiving its initial full power operating license in August 1969. Oyster Creek Unit 1 was followed by Dresden Units 2 and 3, H.B. Robinson Unit 2, Monticello, Point Beach 1, and R.E. Ginna. The decision to apply for an operating license renewal is made by nuclear power plant owners, typically based on economics and the ability to meet NRC requirements. As of January 2012, the NRC had granted license renewals to 71 of the 104 operating reactors in the United States, allowing them to operate for a total of 60 years [86]. Currently, the NRC is reviewing license renewal applications for 15 reactors and expects to receive applications from another 14 reactors between 2012 and 2016 [87].

NRC regulations do not limit the number of license renewals a nuclear power plant may be granted. The nuclear power industry is preparing applications for license renewals that would allow continued operation beyond 60 years. The first application seeking approval to operate for 80 years is tentatively scheduled to be submitted by 2013. Some aging nuclear plants may, however, pose a variety of issues that could lead to decisions not to apply for a second license renewal, such as high operation and maintenance costs or the need for large capital expenditures to meet NRC requirements. Industry research on long-term reactor operations and aging management is focused on identifying challenges that aging facilities might encounter and formulating potential approaches to meet those challenges [88]. Typical challenges involve materials degradation, safety margins, and assessing the integrity of concrete structures. In the Reference case, 6.1 gigawatts of nuclear power plant capacity is retired by 2035, based on uncertainty related to issues associated with long-term operations and aging management [89].

It should be noted that although the Oyster Creek Generating Station in Lacey Township, New Jersey, received a license renewal and could operate until 2029, the plant's owner has reported to EIA that it will be retired in 2019, after 50 years of operation. The AEO2012 Reference case includes this reported early retirement. Also, given the evolving nature of the NRC's regulatory response to the accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011, the Reference case does not include retirements directly related to the accident (for example, retirements prompted by potential new NRC regulatory requirements for safety retrofits).

Sensitivity cases

Figure 51. Nuclear power plant retirements by NERC region in the Low Nuclear case, 2010-2035
figure data

The AEO2012 Low Nuclear case assumes that only the planned nuclear plant uprates already reported to EIA will be completed. Uprates that are currently under review or expected to be submitted to the NRC are not included. The Low Nuclear case also assumes that all nuclear power plants will be retired after 60 years of operation, resulting in a 30.9-gigawatt reduction in U.S. nuclear power capacity from 2010 to 2035. Figure 51 shows nuclear capacity retirements in the Low Nuclear case by NERC region. It should be noted that after the retirement of Oyster Creek in 2019, the next nuclear plant retirement occurs in 2029 in the Low Nuclear case. No new nuclear plants are built in the Low Nuclear case beyond the 6.8 gigawatts already planned.

In the High Nuclear case, in addition to plants already under construction, plants with active license applications at the NRC are constructed, provided that they have a tentatively scheduled mandatory hearing before the NRC or Atomic Safety and Licensing Board and deploy a currently certified design for the nuclear steam supply system, such as the AP1000. With this assumption, an additional 6.2 gigawatts of new nuclear capacity is added relative to the Reference case. The High Nuclear case also assumes that all existing nuclear power plants will receive their second license renewals and will operate through 2035. Uprates in the High Nuclear case are consistent with those in the Reference case. The only retirement included in the High Nuclear case is the announced early retirement of Oyster Creek in 2019.


In the Reference case, 8.5 gigawatts of new nuclear power plant capacity is added from 2010 to 2035, including the 6.8 gigawatts reported to EIA (referred to as "planned") and 1.8 gigawatts built endogenously in NEMS (referred to as "unplanned"). Unplanned capacity is added starting in 2030 in response to rising natural gas prices, which make new nuclear power plants a more competitive option for new electric capacity. In the High Nuclear case, planned capacity additions are almost double those in the Reference case, but unplanned additions are lower. The price of natural gas delivered to the power sector in the High Nuclear case is lower than in the Reference case, making the economics of nuclear power plants slightly less attractive. The additional planned capacity in the High Nuclear case also reduces the need for new unplanned capacity. No unplanned capacity is added in the Low Nuclear case.

Nuclear power generation in 2035 reflects the differences in capacity that occur in the nuclear cases. In the High Nuclear case, nuclear generation in 2035 is 10 percent higher than in the Reference case, and the nuclear share of total generation is 20 percent, as compared with 18 percent in the Reference case. The increase in nuclear capacity in the High Nuclear case contributes to an increase in total electricity generation, in spite of lower levels of generation from natural gas (4 percent lower than in the Reference case in 2035) and coal and renewables (less than 1 percent lower for each fuel).

In the Low Nuclear case, generation from nuclear power in 2035 is 30 percent lower than in the Reference case, due to the loss of 30.9 gigawatts of nuclear capacity that is retired after 60 years of operation. As a result, the nuclear share of total generation is reduced to 13 percent. The loss of generation is made up primarily by increased generation from natural gas (12 percent higher than in the Reference case in 2035), coal (1 percent higher), and renewables (3 percent higher).

Real average electricity prices in 2035 are 1 percent lower in the High Nuclear case than in the Reference case, as slightly less natural gas capacity is dispatched, lowering the marginal price of electricity. In the Low Nuclear case, average electricity prices in 2035 are 5 percent higher than in the Reference case as a result of the retirement of a significant amount of nuclear capacity, which has relatively low operating costs, and its replacement with natural gas capacity, which has higher fuel costs that are passed through to consumers in retail electricity prices. With all nuclear power plants being retired after 60 years of operation in the Low Nuclear case, an additional 12 gigawatts of nuclear capacity would be shut down between 2035 and 2040.

The impacts of nuclear plant retirements on retail electricity prices in the Low Nuclear case are more apparent in regions with relatively large amounts of nuclear capacity. For example, electricity prices in the Low Nuclear case are 7 percent higher than in the Reference case for the NERC MRO Region, and 6 percent higher in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast regions. Even in regions where no nuclear capacity is retired, there are small increases in electricity prices relative to the Reference case, because higher demand for natural gas in regions with nuclear plant retirements affect prices nationwide.

The Reference case projections for CO2 emissions also are affected by changes in assumptions about nuclear plant lifetimes. In the Low Nuclear case, CO2 emissions from the electric power sector in 2035 are 3 percent higher than in the Reference case as a result of switching from nuclear generation to natural gas and coal, both which produce more CO2 emissions. In the High Nuclear case, CO2 emissions from the power sector are slightly (1 percent) lower than in the Reference case. Table 12 summarizes key results from the AEO2012 Reference, High Nuclear, and Low Nuclear cases.


78 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report" (Washington, DC: November 30, 2011).

79 U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012" (Washington, DC: March 2012).

80 U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Assumptions to AEO2012" (Washington, DC: June 2012), website www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/assumptions.

81 U.S. Government Printing Office, "Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58, Title XVII—Incentives for Innovative Technologies" (Washington, DC: August 8, 2005).

82 U.S. Department of Energy, Loan Programs Office, "Loan Guarantee Program: Georgia Power Company" (Washington, DC: June 4, 2012).

83 U.S. Government Printing Office, "Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58, Title XVII—Incentives for Innovative Technologies, paras. 638, 988, and 1306" (Washington, DC, August 2005).

84 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report."

85 Tennessee Valley Authority, "Integrated Resource Plan" (Knoxville, TN: March 2011).

86 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Status of License Renewal Applications and Industry Activities: Completed Applications" (Washington, DC: May 22, 2012).

87 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Status of License Renewal Applications and Industry Activities: Completed Applications" (Washington, DC: May 22, 2012).

88Electric Power Research Institute, "Long-Term Operations (QA)" (Palo Alto, CA: June 4, 2012).

89 International Forum for Reactor Aging Management (IFRAM), "Inaugural Meeting of the International Forum for Reactor Aging Management (IFRAM)" (Colorado Springs, CO: August 5, 2011).

Reference Case Tables
Table 2. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - United States XLS
Table 2.1. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - New England XLS
Table 2.2. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - Middle Atlantic XLS
Table 2.3. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - East North Central XLS
Table 2.4. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - West North Central XLS
Table 2.5. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - South Atlantic XLS
Table 2.6. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - East South Central XLS
Table 2.7. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - West South Central XLS
Table 2.8. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - Mountain XLS
Table 2.9. Energy Consumption by Sector and Source - Pacific XLS
Table 4. Residential Sector Key Indicators and Consumption XLS
Table 17. Renewable Energy Consumption by Sector and Source XLS
Table 18. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - United States XLS
Table 18.1. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - New England XLS
Table 18.2. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Middle Atlantic XLS
Table 18.3. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East North Central XLS
Table 18.4. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West North Central XLS
Table 18.5. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - South Atlantic XLS
Table 18.6. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East South Central XLS
Table 18.7. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West South Central XLS
Table 18.8. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Mountain XLS
Table 18.9. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Pacific XLS
Table 19. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by End Use XLS
Table 22. Residential Sector Equipment Stock and Efficiency XLS