Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Electricity Flow,  (Quadrillion Btu)

Electricity Flow diagram image

1 Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels.
2 Batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, miscellaneous technologies, and non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived fuels).
3 Data collection frame differences and nonsampling error. Derived for the diagram by subtracting the “T & D Losses” estimate from “T & D Losses and Unaccounted for” derived from Table 8.1.
4 Electric energy used in the operation of power plants.
5 Transmission and distribution losses (electricity losses that occur between the point of generation and delivery to the customer) are estimated as 7 percent of gross generation.
6 Use of electricity that is 1) self-generated, 2) produced by either the same entity that consumes the power or an affiliate, and 3) used in direct support of a service or industrial process located within the same facility or group of facilities that house the generating equipment. Direct use is exclusive of station use.

• Data are preliminary.
• See Note, “Electrical System Energy Losses,” at the end of Section 2.
• Net generation of electricity includes pumped storage facility production minus energy used for pumping.
• Values are derived from source data prior to rounding for publication.
• Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.

U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2011 Tables 8.1, 8.4a, 8.9, A6 (column 7), and U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."

Energy Perspectives

Forty-two interactive graphs showing trends in U.S. energy production, consumption, and trade from 1949-2011

Energy Perspectives image

Changes in AER 2011:

Energy Graphs

Total Energy graph image