OnSafety is the Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here you'll find the latest safety information as well as important messages that will keep you and your family safe. We hope you'll visit often!


Generation 2 Crib Update

Last month, CPSC announced a recall of all Generation 2 Worldwide and ChildESIGNS drop side cribs.

CPSC received reports of three infants who suffocated when they became entrapped between the crib mattress and the drop side when the drop side detached.

The crib’s plastic hardware can break, which can cause the drop side of the crib to detach from a corner of the crib. When the drop side detaches, it creates a space into which an infant or toddler can roll and become wedged or entrapped, creating a risk of suffocation or strangulation. In addition, the crib’s mattress support can detach from the crib frame, creating a hazardous space in which an infant or toddler could become entrapped and suffocate or strangle.

Consumers responded with questions, in particular whether this recall applies to Generation 2 Worldwide and ChildESIGNS portable drop side cribs as well as full-sized cribs.

The answer: Yes.

The portable drop-side cribs, like their larger counterparts may pose the same safety problems. Thanks, consumers for listening and asking follow-up questions.

Parents and caregivers should stop using ALL Generation 2 Worldwide and ChildESIGNS drop side cribs – portable and full-sized – and find an alternative safe sleeping environment for your baby. Do not attempt to fix these cribs.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/03/generation-2-crib-update/

An Update on Yo-Yo Balls

Whatever happened to yo-yo water balls? Once upon a time, in the early 2000s, they were all the rage with young kids. Back then, CPSC received quite a few reports of cords wrapping around children’s heads or necks.

Back in 2003, CPSC advised parents who were concerned about this risk that they should cut the cord off the toy or throw the toy away. CPSC staff concluded that the toy posed a low risk of strangulation, especially for younger children, but advised parents to be cautious.

Since then, a toy subcommittee made up of toy manufacturers, CPSC and other interested stakeholders developed string-length requirements on these toys that shorten the cords to less than 20 inches and limit the possibility of the cord wrapping around a child’s neck. As of February 2009, this limit in the yo-yo ball’s cord length became a mandatory rule in the United States.

Parents with older versions of these toys should follow the advice given in the past and either cut the cords to less than 20 inches or dispose of the toy.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/03/an-update-on-yo-yo-balls/

Infantino Retira del Mercado 1 Millón de Cargadores de Tela; 3 Muertes Reportadas

Infantino SlingRider Sling

Infantino SlingRider Sling

Infantino Wendy Bellissimo Sling

Infantino Wendy Bellissimo Sling

Infantino está retirando del mercado voluntariamente 1 millón de Cargadores de Tela de los Modelos “SlingRider” y “Wendy Bellissimo” en cooperación con la Comisión para la Seguridad de los Productos de Consumo de los Estados Unidos

La CPSC tiene conocimiento de tres informes de muertes que ocurrieron en estos cargadores en el año 2009: un bebé de 7 semanas en Filadelfia, Pensilvania; un bebé de 6 días en Salem, Oregón; y un bebé de 3 meses en Cincinnati, Ohio.

Si tienen uno de estos cargadores de tela debe dejar de usarlo inmediatamente y comunicarse con Infantino para obtener un producto de reemplazo gratuito. Infantino le indicará que corte el tirante del cargador por arriba y por debajo del logo Infantino (o Wendy Bellisimo) y envie el pedazo del tirante a Infantino por correo. Esto verificará que usted posee el cargador. Además esto asegura que el cargador no pueda ser usado en el futuro. Usted debe entonces desechar el cargador de tela.

Los consumidores pueden escoger entre varios productos de reemplazo: el cargador “Wrap & Tie”, el “2 in 1 Shopping Cart Cover” o el “3 in 1 Grow and Play Activity Center”. Todos los consumidores que se comuniquen con Infantino también recibirán una sonaja “Jittery Pals Rattle”.

Puede comunicarse con Infantino llamando al (866) 860-1361 entre las 8 a.m. y las 4 p.m. PT (11:00 a.m. y 7 p.m. ET) de lunes a viernes, o visite el sitio web de Infantino.

La CPSC reitera su advertencia a padres y cuidadores sobre la importancia de tener mucho cuidado cuando carguen bebés menores de 4 meses de edad en cualquier tipo de cargador de tela y que se aseguren que la cara del bebé estáé visible en todo momento para la persona que está usando el cargador. Para más información visite http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/03/infantino-retira-del-mercado-1-millon-de-cargadores-de-tela-3-muertes-reportadas/

Infantino Recalls 1 Million Slings; 3 Deaths Reported

Infantino SlingRider Sling

Infantino SlingRider Sling

Infantino Wendy Bellissimo Sling

Infantino Wendy Bellissimo Sling

Infantino is voluntarily recalling 1 million “SlingRider” and “Wendy Bellissimo” infant slings in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

CPSC is aware of three reports of deaths that occurred in these slings in 2009: a 7-week-old infant in Philadelphia, Pa.; a 6-day-old infant in Salem, Ore.; and a 3-month-old infant in Cincinnati, Ohio.

If you own these slings, you should immediately stop using them and contact Infantino for a free replacement product. Infantino will tell you to cut out the sling strap above and below the stitched-on Infantino (or Wendy Bellissmo) logo and send the cut piece to Infantino. This will verify that you own the sling. This will also disable the sling from future use. You should then throw away the sling.

Consumers will have a choice of products to replace the slings: the Wrap & Tie infant carrier, the 2 in 1 Shopping Cart Cover or the 3 in 1 Grow & Play Activity Center. All consumers who contact Infantino will also receive a Jittery Pals Rattle.

You can contact Infantino at 866-860-1361 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PT (11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET) Monday through Friday or on Infantino’s Web site.

CPSC reiterates its warning to parents and caregivers to use extra caution when carrying infants younger than 4 months old in any type of sling and to make sure that an infant’s face is visible to baby wearers at all times. For more information, go to http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/03/infantino-recalls-1-million-slings-3-deaths-reported/

1.2 Millones de Sillas de Comer para Bebé de la Marca Graco Son Retiradas del Mercado

Mamás, Papás, están usando una silla de comer de la marca Graco Harmony? Si la respuesta es “sí”, este retiro del mercado le afecta a usted y a su niño.

Los tornillos que agarran las patas delanteras de la silla de comer pueden soltarse y caerse. Además, la cubierta de plástico que se encuentra en las patas delanteras y el soporte plástico encontrado en las patas traseras se pueden agrietar. Cuando cualquiera de estas dos cosas sucede la silla no es estable y puede volcarse.

Graco ha recibido 464 reportes de tornillos que se han suelto y/o soportes agrietados que causaron que las sillas se volcaran inesperadamente. Los padres y cuidadores de 24 niños han reportado lesiones las cuales incluyen una fisura en el brazo, golpes, hematomas y rasguños.

Las sillas para comer Harmony fueron vendidas en AAFES, Burlington Coat Factory, Babies “R” Us, Sears, Shopko, Target, Target.com, Toys “R” Us, Walmart, Walmart.com, USA Baby y otros detallistas a través de todo el país desde diciembre del 2003 hasta marzo del 2010 por entre $70 y $120.

No lo deje para luego. Asegúrese de obtener un equipo de reparación para arreglarla. Para ordenarlo llame a Graco libre de costo al (877) 842-3206 o visite el sitio Web www.gracobaby.com. Para recibir más información, llame a Graco al (800) 345-4109 entre las 8 a.m. y las 5 p.m. ET de lunes a viernes. Si ve alguna grieta en su silla de comer, asegúrese de comunicárselo a Graco.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/03/1-2-millones-de-sillas-de-comer-para-bebe-de-la-marca-graco-son-retiradas-del-mercado/