
In this section, the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC) provides resources groups can use to evaluate their Responsible Fatherhood programs. Evaluation is an increasingly important tool used to assess programs that receive or may potentially receive funding, particularly from the Federal government.

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Logic Models outline what you do, why you do it, and how you can measure your results. These Logic Model resources provide guidance on creating and utilizing logic models.
For more information on logic models visit the Program Development section.

National Responsible Fatherhood Capacity Building Initiative
Source: National Fatherhood Initiative
These "Helpful Links" from the National Responsible Fatherhood Capacity Building Initiative, an initiative funded through the Administration for Children and Families, provides resources for programs including board development, evaluation, and funding.

Indiana Fathers and Families: Sample Evaluation Tools for Fathers and Families projects
Source: Miami University. Department of Family Studies and Social Work.
Collected by Glenn Stone, Ph.D. of Miami University's Department of Family Studies and Social Work in cooperation with The Institute for Family and Social Responsibility at Indiana University, these tools will assist grantees in measuring outcomes related to the Fathers and Families goals.
The Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation, provides an Evaluation Guide for Program Managers through their website.
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Evaluation Reports

Evaluation Resource Guide for Responsible Fatherhood Programs (PDF - 534 KB)
Author: James Bell Associates for the Office of Family Assistance
This guide was developed in direct response to the emerging evaluation needs unique to the OFA’s Responsible Fatherhood programming and its goals. The purpose is to help fill the need for resources and models to aid in the planning and evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood projects. Background information for this resource guide was gathered directly from OFA grantees at conference sessions, other meetings, and visits to the grantee sites. To develop the evaluation topics for the guide, OFA drew from similar handbooks. The authors also utilized various existing evaluation resources such as the series of Evaluation Briefs sponsored by OFA and developed by its contractors. The authors have specifically focused on topics related to Responsible Fatherhood program grantees and this information should not be considered an adequate guide to evaluating non-OFA sponsored fatherhood programming efforts.

Final Report of the Process Evaluation of the Long Distance Dads Program
Source: Penn State Erie. The Behrend College's Center for Organizational Research and Evaluation (CORE).
This report includes a literature and statistical review, overview of the Long Distance Dads program, and a description of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and the State Correctional Institution at Albion. Outlining project objectives, process and procedures, then reporting on the results of four phases of the project, the report also includes an interpretation of the data coupled with recommendations for program optimization linking the findings to a proposed outcomes study.
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Capacity Building

Building Evaluation Capacity (Series/Building Evaluation Capacity)
Source: Urban Institute
This two-guide set for evaluators and others interested in evaluation grew out of a National Science Foundation funded effort to improve cross project evaluations. Guide 1, Designing a Cross-Project Evaluation, focuses on evaluation design including identification and operationalization of program goals, building of logic models, and selection of indicators and appropriate measures for these indicators. Guide 2, Collecting and Using Data in Cross-Project Evaluation, lays out multiple issues involved in data collection, strengths and weaknesses of different data collection formats, and methods for ensuring data quality, confidentiality, and the protection of human subjects.
Building Evaluation Capacity in Community-Based Organizations: Reflections of an Empowerment Evaluation Team
Source: University of South Carolina. Published: Journal of Community Practice
This article presents the challenges and successes of a university-based empowerment evaluation team as they promoted community-based organizational (CBO) self-evaluation skills through a large community capacity building effort funded by a community foundation. Using a reflective inquiry approach, the team's approach to empowerment evaluation is discussed, and the how's, the why's, and the outcomes of the team's efforts are presented. Lessons learned emphasize the significance of training, role clarity, management of power relations, participant readiness, adequate resources, technology, coaching skill, and mutual support through a coaching network and interagency networks. Perhaps most significantly, clear and consistent communication between grantee and grantmaker, mediated by evaluation coaches, promoted evaluations that address internal and external stakeholder needs. The ideology of empowerment guided this project, and participatory research did prevail, but grantee self-direction was harder to enable. Likewise, consumer participation was woefully limited.
Elements to Build Capacity for Evaluation and Accountability: Discussion Guide
Source: National Child Care Information Center.
This document identifies six elements that appear necessary, according to the research, for building capacity for evaluation and accountability. Questions to prompt discussion and reflection among the planning/stakeholder group are followed by suggested strategies to address each element.
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Other Resources

Center for Program Evaluation
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) online evaluation tools for state and local agencies for planning and implementing program evaluations and for developing program performance measures.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Evaluation Working Group
Centers for Disease Control site with links on for further information about evaluation or assistance in conducting an evaluation project.
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White House logo
In response to President Obama’s call for a national conversation on responsible fatherhood and healthy families, learn how you can join the President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
Información en Español
En respuesta al llamado del presidente Obama para una conversación nacional sobre la paternidad responsable y las familias saludables, aprender cómo usted puede unirse a la Iniciativa Presidencial de Padres y Mentores.