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Consumer Response Center

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Your Rights and the Law

In order to protect yourself, you need to understand your rights and the laws that cover your credit issues.

Consumer Protection Laws – What rights do you have under the law and where can you find out more information?

What are your rights when a creditor calls?

How can you put an end to receiving unwanted telephone calls and "junk" mail solicitations?

If you want more specific information; here are direct links to the laws:

  • Equal Credit Opportunity Act
    Prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, martial status, religion, national origin, age or receipt of public assistance.
  • Fair Credit Billing Act
    Establishes procedures for the prompt correction of errors on open-end credit accounts. It also protects a consumer's credit rating while the consumer is settling a dispute.
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
    Requires debt collectors to treat you fairly by prohibiting certain methods of debt collection.

Last Updated 01/22/2008 Customer Assistance Online Form