Dana Milbank
Dana Milbank
Opinion Writer

Dana Milbank writes about political theater in the nation’s capital. He joined The Post as a political reporter in 2000, after two years as a senior editor of The New Republic and eight years with the Wall Street Journal. He is also the author of three political books: Tears of a Clown (2010), Homo Politicus (2008) and Smashmouth (2001). He lives in Washington with his wife and daughter.

Latest by Dana Milbank

Post-thought think tank

Post-thought think tank

Why DeMint and Heritage are a perfect pair.

Republicans wave the white flag

Republicans wave the white flag

The question isn’t whether GOP will cave on taxes, but how and when.

Romney’s last duty

Romney’s last duty

In a looming fiscal crisis, he has much to offer.

Open-and-shut White House

Open-and-shut White House

What of Obama’s lofty vows of transparency?