Bidder Training – Introductory / Intermediate Topics

The Introduction to Bidding and BPT 101 Training sessions present a basic overview of the Medicare Advantage and Part D programs and bid forms. In addition to the training modules, all the training slides are available in one file for printing (See Downloads below).

The online training consists of two basic training sessions (See Related Links below):

  1. Introduction to Bidding
  2. BPT101

The training also offers an additional six chapters on intermediate bidding topics, which provide further insight into more specific requirements that actuaries must consider when preparing the BPT (See Related Links below).

  1. Base Period Experience, Data Aggregation and Credibility for Medicare Advantage and Part D
  2. Pricing Considerations for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries Without Full Medicare Cost-Sharing Liability
  3. Non-Benefit Expense, and Gain/Loss Margin
  4. Risk Score Development
  5. Related Party Agreements
  6. Review, Negotiation and Audit

If the training modules do not launch, enable 'Use TLS 1.0' with the following steps.

  • Launch Internet Explorer
  • Select Tools
  • Select Internet Options
  • Select Advanced
  • Under Security Heading, enable 'Use TLS 1.0'