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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Food Protection Plan 2007


American consumers enjoy one of the safest food supplies in the world; however, we know it can be made even safer. FDA regulates $417 billion worth of domestic food and $49 billion worth of imported food each year—everything we eat except for meat, poultry, and some egg products, which are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

FDA has developed a comprehensive Food Protection Plan to address the changes in food sources, production, and consumption that we face in today's world. Building upon and improving an already sound food safety protection capability, the new plan presents a robust strategy to protect the nation's food supply from both unintentional contamination and deliberate attack. FDA's Food Protection Plan builds in prevention first, then intervention, and finally, response. This new strategy will help ensure that Americans continue to benefit from one of the safest food supplies in the world. The Office of Food Protection provides advice and council on the strategic and substantive agency-wide domestic and imported food related matters, including the Food Protection Plan.

photo of people shopping at a grocery store

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HHS Deputy Secretary Tevi Troy; FDA Commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach & FDA Assistant Commissioner for Food Protection, David Acheson, M.D explain the Food Protection Plan

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Food Safety Resources



Contact FDA

Phone 301-796-4500
Fax 301-847-3535
Office of Foods

Food and Drug Administration

Office of Foods

10903 New Hampshire Ave

White Oak Building 1

Silver Spring, MD 20993