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OELA: Office of English Language Acquisition
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ESEA Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students

Under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) is responsible for:

  • administering the National Professional Development discretionary grant programs, and the Native American and Alaska Native Children in School discretionary grant programs that help children develop proficiency in English and achieve high content standards;
  • recommending policies and promoting best practices for meeting the needs of English language learners;
  • strengthening collaboration and coordination among federal, state, and local programs serving English language learners, and
  • monitoring funded programs and providing technical assistance that focuses on outcomes and accountability.

Under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Office of Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA) in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is responsible for:

  • administering the Title III English Language Acquisition Formula State Grants; and
  • assisting states and school districts to enhance the education of limited English proficient (LEP) children and youths by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. For all information pertaining to Title III formula state grants, please use the following link: OESE/SASA

ESEA Title V: Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP)

Under Title V, OELA is responsible for:

  • administering the Foreign Language Assistance program;
  • recommending policies and promoting best practices in foreign language teaching and learning;
  • monitoring funded programs and providing technical assistance that focuses on outcomes and accountability; and
  • disseminating information on foreign language instructional practices.

OELA Strategic Goals

The Office of English Language Acquisition has identified five broad goals which it commits to pursue and achieve, and that serve as the basis for its strategic plan for FY 2011-2016.

  1. Promote high-quality education for English learners ELs) and immigrant students leading to college/career readiness as a priority for our nation’s schools.
  2. Ensure effective grant making that fosters reform and innovation in education for English Learners and in foreign language education.
  3. Support meaningful evaluation activities that can inform Title III programmatic decision making and improvement.
  4. Enhance the operations and outreach of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition NCELA).
  5. Improve the organizational capacity of the Office of English Language Acquisition to implement its Strategic Plan.

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Last Modified: 07/12/2012