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Combined Arms Research Library

Archival and Special Collections

The Combined Arms Research Library Special Collections and Archives exists to preserve rare, fragile materials, the Command and General Staff College curriculum and history and to make such items available to the public. The CARL Special Collections and Archives are a closed stack facility, which means that materials do not circulate.

  • Information
  • Access/Use
  • Duplication
  • Copyrights
  • Rare Items
  • Obsolete Pubs
  • Misc. Collections

The archives area is open from 7:45 - 4:30, Monday - Friday.

Due to staffing constraints, business hours, and the restricted area in which Archives is located, all visiting scholars and researchers must make appointment to use the archival and special collections and to insure maximum assistance with their research.

To make an appointment please call (913) 758-3161 or write to:


Email: usarmy.leavenworth.tradoc.mbx.cgsc-carl-reference@mail.mil

Prospective patrons should be aware the Archives is a closed stack and in a restricted area. Browsing in the stacks is not permitted, and all of our materials are non-circulating. CGSC students, faculty, Fort Leavenworth personnel must have a security clearance identification card issued by the Fort Leavenworth Security Office to have access to the restricted area. International officers please consult with the 1st floor reference staff for use of any of the archival or special collections. Foreign visitors must contact their embassy in Washington, DC to submit the Request for Visit Authorization to HQDA G2. Visit requests must be submitted 30 days prior to the date of visit.

There are study rooms available outside the restricted area in which patrons can use the archival collection.

Use of ink is prohibited; please take notes in pencil.

Materials must remain flat on the table and be handled carefully during use. Only one folder of manuscript materials may be used at a time.

All records must be kept in their present arrangement; loose pages will stay in order if turned like the pages of a book.

Do not make any marks, erasures, or any other changes in the documents.

Nothing may be placed on the materials being used.

Do not write on top of materials.

Food or drink is not allowed when viewing documents.

Most photocopying is done by archival staff only, and is normally done as other staff duties allow. The maximum pages photocopied per item is 25.

Most photocopying is done by archival staff only, and is normally done as other staff duties allow. If necessary, the copies will be mailed to you following your research visit. In limited cases, and at the discretion of professional staff, patrons may do their own photocopying.

The maximum pages photocopied per item is 25.

The Archives does have the ability to scan and digitize materials.

Photocopying, scanning and photo duplication decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Special Collections and Archives staff, taking into account the size, value, and fragility of the item.

Photographic reproduction of materials in the CARL Special Collections and Archives can be arranged. The negative of the print is loaned to the requester and they must pay the cost of getting a print made and sending back the negative to the Archives. If no negative exists, one will be made and this will be loaned to the requester. The copy negative becomes the property of the Archives.

Reproductions are made solely for the personal use of the individual requesting them. They may not be transferred to another individual or organization, deposited at another institution, or reduplicated without prior permission of the CARL Special Collections and Archives.

The Archives may refuse to allow copies to be made because of the physical condition of the materials, restrictions imposed by the donor, copyright law, or right-to-privacy statutes.

Special Collections and Archives materials are provided for reference use only. The patron will publish no portion of Special Collections and Archives materials without the written permission of the copyright holder, and the patron assumes sole responsibility for any infringement of the literary rights, copyrights, or other rights pertaining to these materials.

Patrons are responsible for observing all United States and international copyright regulations.

Reproductions are made solely for the personal use of the individual requesting them. They may not be transferred to another individual or organization, deposited at another institution, or reduplicated without prior permission of the CARL Special Collections and Archives.

Reproduction in no way transfers either copyright or property rights, nor does it constitutes permission to publish or to display materials.

Rare Books - Approximately 108 linear feet/625+ titles. The collection dates from 1600 forward and includes works on all aspects of military art and science. Works are in English, French, and German.

Special Collections Monographs - Approximately 415 linear feet, representing about 6,500 titles. Most of these works are out-of-print and in fragile condition and were published during the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Other items in the collection are autographed by the authors or are record copies of Fort Leavenworth publications.

The CGSC Curriculum Archives - Approximately 1,420 linear feet. This collection dates from the Infantry and Cavalry School of the late 1880s to the present. The organization is by academic year and then by department of instruction/course numbers.

Army Regulations (ARs) - This incomplete subcollection includes bound volumes arranged by year and modern era regulations arranged first by regulation number. Bound volumes cover the following year: 1779, 1821, 1825, 1841, 1847, 1857, 1861, 1881, 1889, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1904-5, 1908, 1910, 1913, and 1921-37. Some early volumes are in the Rare Books collection.

Field Manuals (FMs) - Approximately 150 linear feet. This incomplete and small subcollection includes some early field service regulations from the early 1900s to 1939. Most FMs are from the World War II period with some Korean War period items. Some are available on microfiche.

General Orders, Circulars, and Bulletins - War Department/Department of the Army. Approximately 33 linear feet of bound volumes. An incomplete set that spans from 1861 to 1973 and includes index volumes for some years/periods. There are volumes for the Army Expeditionary Force in World War I.

General and Special Orders--Fort Leavenworth - This set of bound volumes spans the period from 1881 to 1945 and includes orders for the Infantry and Cavalry School, Army Service Schools, General Service Schools, and Command and General Staff School.

Special Orders--HQ Fort Leavenworth and HQ Combined Arms Command - The bound volumes cover the period from January 1946 to 1978.

Special Orders--War Department/Department of the Army - Incomplete set of bound volumes includes orders for 1882, 1884, and 1900-1970.

Special Orders--Department of the Missouri - Archives has bound volumes for 1904, 1906, 1909 and 1910 only.

Special Orders--HQ, Philippines Division - The bound volumes cover the period from 1910 to 1920 and 1922.

Secretary of War Annual Reports - Removed from the regular collection for preservation purposes, this set of volumes is in fragile condition due to paper deterioration. The incomplete set covers the years from the Civil War period to the later 1930s. Only a few of the many volumes are missing.

Individual and Group Reports - Approximately 33 linear feet. These are individual and group student reports. The Individual Reports were written between 1930 and 1936 and are organized by academic year and then alphabetically by the name of the student. There are lists of the papers for each class year at the beginning of that year's files. Group reports were written between 1930 and 1933 and are similarly organized. CARL is currently cataloging these student papers, which have not previously been visible in any catalog.

Brigadier General Wilson A. Shoffner. Papers. 1 box (6 in.). Includes speeches, trip reports, memorandums, letter of instruction, briefings, letters of appreciation, incoming and outgoing correspondence, equipment requests, and a talking paper--mostly as related to BG Shoffner's duties in connection with the Deep Attack Programs Office.

Bruce Cooper Clarke. Papers, 1940-1985, with the bulk of the collection from the period of 1983-1985. 1.5 linear feet. The collection includes magazine and newspaper articles, papers (published and unpublished), notes, correspondence (to and from General Clarke), pamphlets, maps, photographs, instructional material, graphic training aids, audio tapes, transcripts of speeches, and a copy of the book Clarke at St. Vith: The Sergeants' General. General Clarke is the author of most items. General Clarke was consulted during the establishment of the Center of Army Leadership (CAL) at CGSC and supplied the materials in this collection.

The Combined Arms and Fort Leavenworth Archives (CAFLA) Collection - Approximately 866 linear feet and growing each year. This collection has non-record copies of documents (reports, correspondence, etc.) that detail the operations and activities of the Combined Arms Command (CAC) and its subordinate organizations and other agencies and organizations located at or reporting to Fort Leavenworth. There are some materials from the 1970s but the strength of the collection begins in 1980. Organization is chronological by fiscal year then alphabetical by agency/organization and subordinate groups. The CAC historians organize the materials and prepare annual print guides.

Combined Arms Command and Fort Leavenworth telephone directories from 1913 to 1981 (an incomplete collection).

1st Lieutenant Maxwell D. Taylor.  Notebooks, 1935. One box.

VII Corps Gulf War Collection - Approximately 100 linear feet. The VII Corps collection contains records of operations, after action reports, lessons learned, etc., of units of the corps during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Access is restricted to DOD personnel with a valid security clearance.

Guest Speaker Tapes - Approximately 173 linear feet/2,350 titles. Presentations by guest speakers at the Command and General Staff College have been taped since 1952. Most of the collection is in reel-to-reel format, but some have been converted to cassette. Recent tapes include audiocassettes and some videotapes. Graduation speakers are included. There is a name index file to the collection. CGSC's non-attribution policy places restrictions on access to this collection.

Photograph Collection - The Archives has faculty, staff, and class photographs and some negatives from the first Infantry and Cavalry School class in 1883 to 1964 when yearbook photos replaced the old system. There are a few historical photos of buildings/scenes at Fort Leavenworth though most photos of this type are held by the Frontier Army Museum. Separate still photo collections fall into three sections: 1) topography and terrain photos of parts of various countries (from the World War II-1960s timeframe with many still classified); 2) World War II and Korean War era pictures of campaign scenes, weapons, etc., (including classified items); and 3) a small collection of photos of military and government personalities--mostly related to Fort Leavenworth.

William M. Hoge. GEN William M. Hoge Collection, 1942-1955. 1 box (5 in.) The collection contains correspondence, papers, pamphlets, maps, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, photographs, and items related to the ALCAN Highway and Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen. The paper, "The Engineers in the Crossing of the Meuse River," by then Captain Hoge is included.

World War I Pamphlet Collection A collection of over 200 pamphlets covering various aspects of the U.S. Army's participation in World War I. These pamphlets date mainly from 1917-1918 and were issued as informational/instructional material during the war. The collection consists of 24 boxes broken down into 13 categories: Air Corps, Artillery, Balloons/Anti-aircraft, Cavalry/Tanks/Anti-tank, Chemical, Engineers, General, Infantry, Large Units, Machine Guns, Military vehicles, Signal, Trench mortars and Supply.

World War II Personal Collections.  This very small collection contains some memorabilia and recollections of people who served in World War II.   One folder contains the written recollections of Don E. Westmoreland, a tail gunner assigned to the 413th Bomb Squadron, 96th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force.  He served in the European theater.  The second collection contains memorabilia of a member of Company I, 3rd Battalion, 124th Infantry Regiment Combat Team.  This unit served in the Pacific Theater in World War II.  Included are 2 unit diaries with hand drawn maps.  One unit diary covers the Driniumor River Campaign in New Guinea, the other the Mindanao campaign.  There are also copies of some personal memorabilia of the donor, Joachim Freudenberger.


Last Reviewed: June 11, 2012

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