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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Asthma Care Quality Improvement: Resource Guide

Table 1.4. Medicaid Eligible Population and Their Estimated Asthma Prevalence and Expenditures for Medical Care, for People 0-18, 19-64, and 65 and Over, by State, 2004

State Medicaid population age 0-18 with asthma1, 2 Estimated Medicaid expense for age 0-18 with asthma3 Medicaid population age 19-64 with asthma1, 2 Estimated Medicaid expense for age 19-64 with asthma3 Medicaid population age 65 and over with asthma1, 2 Estimated Medicaid expense for age 65 and over with asthma3 Total estimated Medicaid spending on asthma
Total U.S. 2,490,162 $2,762,864,614 1,495,216 $1,658,959,559 367,589 $407,843,883 $4,829,668,056
Alabama 38,710 42,949,509 22,755 25,247,402 7,610 8,442,977 76,639,889
Alaska 7,034 7,804,689 2,503 2,777,450 471 522,940 11,105,078
Arizona 56,803 63,023,309 42,775 47,459,833 5,375 5,963,662 116,446,804
Arkansas 33,407 37,065,885 16,300 18,085,041 3,928 4,358,105 59,509,031
California 375,857 417,018,055 354,222 393,013,154 55,957 62,084,579 872,115,787
Colorado 25,869 28,701,536 11,314 12,552,861 3,181 3,529,001 44,783,397
Connecticut 21,677 24,051,405 12,640 14,024,487 3,993 4,430,678 42,506,570
Delaware 6,550 7,267,791 5,167 5,733,110 763 846,045 13,846,946
District of Columbia 6,927 7,686,003 4,324 4,797,328 879 974,894 13,458,225
Florida 133,036 147,605,412 62,103 68,904,224 23,182 25,720,149 242,229,785
Georgia 90,616 100,539,397 35,189 39,042,880 10,389 11,526,972 151,109,249
Hawaii 8,815 9,780,075 6,486 7,196,281 1,411 1,565,654 18,542,011
Idaho 12,498 13,867,029 4,020 4,460,545 831 921,782 19,249,357
Illinois 102,508 113,733,823 45,906 50,933,795 23,087 25,615,256 190,282,873
Indiana 49,771 55,221,121 21,155 23,471,824 4,983 5,528,150 84,221,095
Iowa 18,265 20,265,440 9,598 10,649,490 2,564 2,844,256 33,759,186
Kansas 17,219 19,104,169 7,221 8,011,925 2,077 2,303,906 29,420,000
Kentucky 37,031 41,086,078 20,388 22,620,914 5,771 6,403,500 70,110,492
Louisiana 60,176 66,766,180 19,752 21,915,131 6,766 7,507,161 96,188,473
Maine 9,884 10,966,548 10,415 11,555,512 2,135 2,368,308 24,890,369
Maryland 39,562 43,894,567 20,052 22,247,904 4,958 5,500,957 71,643,428
Massachusetts 41,101 45,602,596 35,605 39,504,432 8,736 9,693,024 94,800,053
Michigan 81,334 90,241,556 45,505 50,487,891 8,256 9,160,665 149,890,112
Minnesota 31,172 34,585,287 18,715 20,764,275 5,580 6,190,955 61,540,518
Mississippi 37,451 41,552,140 16,642 18,464,992 5,935 6,585,379 66,602,512
Missouri 54,908 60,921,518 30,678 34,037,601 6,274 6,960,719 101,919,838
Montana 5,243 5,817,146 2,739 3,038,845 648 718,797 9,574,787
Nebraska 13,703 15,204,154 5,036 5,587,266 1,511 1,676,525 22,467,944
Nevada 12,475 13,841,080 5,768 6,400,127 1,479 1,640,605 21,881,813
New Hampshire 6,812 7,558,165 2,673 2,965,791 875 971,003 11,494,960
New Jersey 44,490 49,362,205 21,550 23,909,743 8,870 9,840,991 83,112,939
New Mexico 26,400 29,291,657 11,272 12,506,094 2,027 2,248,874 44,046,625
New York 169,245 187,779,155 159,707 177,196,516 31,651 35,116,711 400,092,382
North Carolina 69,173 76,748,742 35,618 39,518,809 11,162 12,384,508 128,652,059
North Dakota 3,194 3,543,548 1,858 2,060,969 599 664,165 6,268,681
Ohio 91,345 101,348,167 50,979 56,561,476 9,881 10,963,639 168,873,282
Oklahoma 37,529 41,639,376 11,828 13,123,041 4,053 4,497,129 59,259,545
Oregon 23,081 25,608,648 17,960 19,926,693 3,114 3,455,074 48,990,414
Pennsylvania 79,979 88,737,658 48,686 54,017,859 13,724 15,227,304 157,982,821
Rhode Island 8,751 9,709,721 5,901 6,547,641 1,543 1,711,489 17,968,850
South Carolina 43,054 47,769,146 22,902 25,410,397 8,791 9,753,628 82,933,171
South Dakota 6,575 7,294,857 2,300 2,551,513 763 846,458 10,692,828
Tennessee 58,656 65,079,755 50,391 55,908,976 10,950 12,149,506 133,138,237
Texas 218,531 242,462,453 60,382 66,994,197 25,087 27,834,679 337,291,329
Utah 14,296 15,861,343 7,541 8,367,319 892 989,344 25,218,006
Vermont 5,924 6,572,266 4,854 5,385,075 1,324 1,468,936 13,426,277
Virginia 40,341 44,758,613 16,354 18,145,315 6,336 7,029,631 69,933,559
Washington 55,832 61,946,784 30,409 33,738,915 5,226 5,798,498 101,484,197
West Virginia 16,127 17,893,248 10,016 11,113,064 2,103 2,333,210 31,339,522
Wisconsin 37,023 41,077,590 25,527 28,322,682 9,552 10,597,629 79,997,901
Wyoming 4,198 4,658,017 1,533 1,700,953 339 375,877 6,734,847

1 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, MSIS State Summary FY 2004.
2 Calculations of prevalence rates based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Data for All Ages, National Center for Health Statistics, accessed at
3 Calculations of direct cost per person, are based on Weiss et al (2000) inflated by medical care component of CPI to 2004. Indirect cost person are based on Weiss et al (2000) inflated by percent change in average annual wages through 2004. Weiss KB, Sullivan SD, Lyttle CS. Trends in the cost of illness for asthma in the United States, 1985-1994. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000 Sep;106(3):493-9.

Note: Age groups differ slightly depending on source. Population age groups for Medicaid eligibles are 0-18, 19-64, 65+, while NHIS prevalence rates are for age groups 0-17, 18-64, and 65+. Also, estimates based on age only by State (shown above) can differ substantially from estimates based on race only by State (shown in Tables B.1 through B.6). Combined age-race prevalence of asthma by State is not available.

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