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Attend GWAC Delegation of Procurement Authority Training

Before issuing task orders on a GSA GWAC, federal contracting officers must complete training and receive a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA). You can attend training for a specific GWAC or schedule a combined training session if you want a DPA for two or more of GSA’s GWACs.

Training sessions last approximately 30 minutes to one hour and some venues offer Continuous Learning Points. We offer training in several venues:

What does the training cover?

  • Scope
  • Ordering process
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Resources
  • How to request a Delegation of Procurement Authority

Who should attend?

Contracting officers must attend the training, but we recommend that all members of the acquisition team attend, including:

  • Contract specialists
  • Contracting officer’s technical representatives (COTRs)
  • Program managers

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Request a webinar, conference call, or onsite training

To request a webinar, conference call, or onsite training for your procurement team, email the following information to the appropriate GWAC office below.

Information to email:

  • Agency name
  • Individual names
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Location (if onsite)

Contact information:

When we receive the information, we will contact you to set up a date and time.

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GWAC training, Center for Acquisition Excellence, Delegation of Procurement Authority