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Social sciences
Sciences concerned with the structure and interrelationships of human societies, human institutions and organizations, and human culture over time.
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Results 1 - 5 of 5 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Social science in natural resource management [More info]
Describes how social scientists and natural resource managers work together to develop cooperation and public help in solving complex natural resource issues. Links to the use of public surveys in a project for black-tailed prairie dog management.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [More info]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Missouri River InfoLink: a clearinghouse of Missouri River information [More info]
Portal for Missouri River Infolinks, a clearinghouse to multiple links giving Missouri information, photo gallery, river weather forecast, projects and features, maps, meetings, history, and science research.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [More info]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
USGS Indiana District adopts White River [More info]
Volunteers from the USGS in Indiana, their families, and friends donate two Saturdays a year for a river-cleanup.
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