News from the Material Measurement Laboratory

  • New NIST Screening Method Identifies 1,200 Candidate Refrigerants to Combat Global Warming

  • 09/05/12
  • New NIST Reference Material Could Aid Nanomaterial Toxicity Research

  • September Workshop to Explore the Measurement Needs of the Flexible Electronics Industry

  • 07/11/12
  • New NIST-led Consortium Aims to Improve Process for Making ‘Soft Materials’

  • Prices are Down, Value is Up: The Newly Expanded ACerS-NIST Database

  • 06/27/12
  • Pollutants Could Pose Health Risks for Five Sea Turtle Species

  • 05/29/12
  • New NIST SRM Supports the Fight Against Terrorist Bombings

  • Report Details Efforts to Improve, Advance Indoor Microbial Sampling

  • 05/15/12
  • June Conference Highlights Latest in Metabolomics

  • Locascio, Cavanagh Assume New NIST Leadership Roles

  • NIST Hydrogen Fuel Materials Test Facility Starts Delivering Data

  • 05/02/12
  • Fabrication Method Can Affect the Use of Block Copolymer Thin Films

  • Researchers Find Reducing Fishmeal Hinders Growth of Farmed Fish

  • Ultrasound Idea: Prototype NIST/CU Bioreactor Evaluates Engineered Tissue While Creating It

  • 04/17/12
  • May Workshop Examines Impact of Advanced Imaging Technology on Tissue Engineering Research

  • NIST/UMass Study Finds Evidence Nanoparticles May Increase Plant DNA Damage

  • X-Ray Probe Finds New Organic Transistors Do Well in Hot Water

  • 03/06/12
  • NIST Releases Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil Reference Material

  • Two for One: Simultaneous Size and Electrochemical Measurement of Nanomaterials

  • 02/07/12
  • New NIST 'Cell Assay on a Chip': Solid Results from Simple Means

  • NIST Announces Program to ID Human Cell Lines for Research

  • 01/24/12
  • Hacking the SEM: Crystal Phase Detection for Nanoscale Samples

  • 01/10/12
  • NIST Releases Two New SRMs for Monitoring Human Exposure to Environmental Toxins

  • NIST Standard Available for Better Diagnosis, Treatment of Cytomegalovirus

  • Slippery When Stacked: NIST Theorists Quantify the Friction of Graphene

  • Stretching Exercises: Using Digital Images to Understand Bridge Failures

  • 12/20/11
  • NIST Releases First Certified Reference Material for Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

  • 11/22/11
  • New Magnetic-Field-Sensitive Alloy Could Find Use in Novel Micromechanical Devices

  • Tags? We're It. NIST Opens New 'Biolabeling' Research Facility

  • 11/08/11
  • Are Electron Tweezers Possible? Apparently So.

  • Fish Flu: Genetics Approach May Lead to Treatment

  • 10/25/11
  • Improved Characterization of Nanoparticle Clusters for EHS and Biosensors Research

  • 09/13/11
  • Shaping Up: Controlling a Stem Cell's Form Can Determine Its Fate

  • 08/30/11
  • Iron ‘Veins’ Are Secret of Promising New Hydrogen Storage Material

  • Researchers Expand Capabilities of Miniature Analyzer for Complex Samples

  • 08/16/11
  • NIST Uncovers Reliability Issues for Carbon Nanotubes in Future Electronics

  • 08/02/11
  • Armchair Science: DNA Strands That Select Nanotubes Are First Step to a Practical ‘Quantum Wire’

  • NIST Finds That Ethanol-Loving Bacteria Accelerate Cracking of Pipeline Steels

  • 07/19/11
  • Nanomechanics: New Test Measures Key Properties of Polymer Thin Films and Membranes

  • 07/18/11
  • Energy & Fuels highlights NIST paper

  • 07/06/11
  • Graphene: What Can Go Wrong? New Studies Point to Wrinkles, Process Contaminants

  • NIST and Researcher Butler Recognized for Forensic Science Citations

  • 06/24/11
  • Report of Dialogue on Measurements for Complex Fluid Formulation

  • 06/21/11
  • Branch Offices: New Family of Gold-Based Nanoparticles Could Serve as Biomedical 'Testbed'

  • Nanowire-based Sensors Offer Improved Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds

  • 05/24/11
  • Care for a Spot of (Green) Tea? New NIST Reference Materials for Popular Diet Supplement

  • Defect in Graphene May Present Bouquet of Possibilities

  • 05/18/11
  • NIST Workshop Highlights Planned Consortium for Soft Material Manufacturing Research

  • 05/10/11
  • Marine Lab Research Tracks Pollutants in Dolphins and Beluga Whales

  • Silver Cycle: New Evidence for Natural Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles

  • 04/26/11
  • NIST Seeks Improved Recovery of Samples from Biohazard Events

  • Travel Hazards: Two Studies Start to Map Pollutant Threats to Turtles

  • Understanding How Glasses 'Relax' Provides Some Relief for Manufacturers

  • 04/12/11
  • New NIST SRM Helps Improve Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease

  • 03/30/11
  • Getting the Point: Real-Time Monitoring of Atomic-Microscope Probes Adjusts for Wear

  • Microreactors: Small Scale Chemistry Could Lead to Big Improvements for Biodegradable Polymers

  • NIST, ASTM Land a One-Two Punch to Fight Explosives Terrorism

  • 03/01/11
  • 'A Little Off the Top' Helps NIST Map Cells with Submicrometer Resolution

  • Using Artificial, Cell-Like ‘Honey Pots’ To Entrap Deadly Viruses

  • 02/01/11
  • NIST Technique Controls Sizes of Nanoparticle Clusters for EHS Studies

  • 01/19/11
  • Eggs Show Arctic Mercury Cycling May Be Linked to Ice Cover

  • 11/24/10
  • New Guidance for First Responders Collecting Suspected Biothreat Agents

  • Quartz Crystal Microbalances Enable New Microscale Analytic Technique

  • 11/09/10
  • New NIST Dietary Supplement Reference Materials Could Be 'Berry' Useful

  • 10/13/10
  • Faster CARS, Less Damage: NIST Chemical Microscopy Shows Potential for Cell Diagnostics

  • 09/28/10
  • Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: 'Nano-LEDs'

  • 09/14/10
  • NIST to Host Third Annual Maryland Stem Cell Research Symposium

  • Research Shows Radiometric Dating Still Reliable (Again)

  • 08/31/10
  • Micro Rheometer is Latest Lab On a Chip Device

  • 07/21/10
  • Body of Evidence: New Fast, Reliable Method to Detect Gravesoil

  • 06/09/10
  • 'Instant Acid' Method Offers New Insight into Nanoparticle Dispersal in the Environment and the Body

  • 05/25/10
  • NDE Methods for Evaluating Ancient Coins Could be Worth Their Weight in Gold

  • NIST to Sponsor Greenhouse Gas Emissions Workshop

  • Scaffold Gradients: Finding the Right Environment for Developing Cells

  • 04/27/10
  • New Study Helps Explain the Surprising Behavior of Tiny 'Artificial Muscles'

  • 04/13/10
  • Knowing When Poultry Goes Foul

  • 03/30/10
  • NIST Researchers Holding Steady in an Atomic-Scale Tug-of-War

  • NIST Scientists Address ‘Wrinkles’ in Transparent Film Development

  • 03/02/10
  • Mouse Work: New Insights on a Fundamental DNA Repair Mechanism

  • 02/16/10
  • Future of Hydrogen Fuel Flows Through New NIST Test Facility

  • 01/26/10
  • Marine Lab Hunts Subtle Clues to Environmental Threats to Blue Crabs

  • 01/12/10
  • NIST Scientists Quantify Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions

  • What Were They Drinking? Researchers Investigate Radioactive Crock Pots

  • 12/15/09
  • Among Apes, Teeth Are Made for the Toughest Times

  • 12/01/09
  • Combining Nanotubes and Antibodies for Breast Cancer ‘Search and Destroy’ Missions

  • 11/17/09
  • ‘No Muss, No Fuss’ Miniaturized Analysis for Complex Samples Developed

  • Novel NIST Connector Uses Magnets for Leak-Free Microfluidic Devices

  • 11/03/09
  • Capturing Those In-Between Moments: NIST Solves Timing Problem in Molecular Modeling

  • NIST Quantifies Low Levels of 'Heart Attack Risk' Protein

  • 10/20/09
  • Biochemical ‘On-Switch' Could Solve Protein Purification Challenge

  • Synthetic Cells Shed Biological Insights While Delivering Battery Power

  • The White Stuff: Marine Lab Team Seeks to Understand Coral Bleaching

  • 10/06/09
  • New NIST Database on Gas Hydrates to Aid Energy and Climate Research

  • 09/22/09
  • New Beryllium Reference Material for Occupational Safety Monitoring

  • New NIST Nano-Ruler Sets Some Very Small Marks

  • Therapeutic Nanoparticles Give New Meaning to Sugar-Coating Medicine

  • 09/08/09
  • New NIST Trace Explosives Standard Slated for Homeland Security Duty

  • Prototype NIST Method Detects and Measures Elusive Hazards

  • 08/25/09
  • Newly Improved NIST Reference Material Targets Infant Formula Analysis

  • With Three New Reference Materials, NIST Gets the Dirt on Soil

  • 08/11/09
  • Multi-Laboratory Study Sizes Up Nanoparticle Sizing

  • 07/28/09
  • ‘Microfluidic Palette’ May Paint Clearer Picture of Biological Processes

  • New NIST Video Highlights Postdoctoral Fellowships in Materials Science

  • NIST Scientists Study How to Stack the Deck for Organic Solar Power

  • 07/14/09
  • NIST Releases Vitamin D Standard Reference Material

  • 06/30/09
  • Genetically Engineered Mice Yield Clues to ‘Knocking Out’ Cancer

  • NIST Issues Human Milk and Blood Serum SRMs for Contaminant Measurements

  • Unexpectedly Long-Range Effects in Advanced Magnetic Devices

  • 06/16/09
  • NIST Finds 'A Touch of Glass' in Metal, Settles Century-Old Question

  • NIST Researchers 'All Aglow' Over New Test of Toxin Strength

  • 06/02/09
  • NIST Hosts Two International Materials Research Meetings in June

  • 05/20/09
  • NIST Study Finds a Decade of High-Payoff, High-Throughput Research

  • 05/05/09
  • NIST Issues First Reference Material for Tissue Engineering

  • Vise Squad: Putting the Squeeze on a Crystal Leads to Novel Electronics

  • 05/04/09
  • Senator Gillibrand Visits Brookhaven National Laboratory

  • 04/21/09
  • Discovery of an Unexpected Boost for Solar Water-Splitting Cells

  • 04/07/09
  • Nano Changes Rise to Macro Importance in a Key Electronics Material

  • 03/10/09
  • New Reference Material Supports Improved Quality Control for Polymers Industry

  • 03/09/09
  • Probing and Controlling ‘Molecular Rattling’ May Mean Better Preservatives

  • 02/24/09
  • Probing and Controlling ‘Molecular Rattling’ May Mean Better Preservatives

  • 02/10/09
  • Long-Sought Protein Structure May Help Reveal How 'Gene Switch' Works

  • New Reference Material Can Improve Testing of Multivitamin Tablets

  • Toothsome Research: Deducing the Diet of a Prehistoric Hominid

  • 01/27/09
  • New Reference Material for Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil

  • Taking the Stress Out of Magnetic Field Detection

  • 01/13/09
  • 'Two-Faced' Bioacids Put a New Face on Carbon Nanotube Self-Assembly

  • Insights into Polymer Film Instability Could Aid High Tech Industries

  • New NIST Method Accelerates Stability Testing of Soy-Based Biofuel

  • Super Sensitive Gas Detector Goes Down the Nanotubes

  • 12/23/08
  • NIST Guides Genetic Genealogy Labs Toward Improved Accuracy

  • 12/09/08
  • Dressed to Kill: From Virus to Vaccine

  • 12/02/08
  • MML Leads Discussion of Dynamic Fracture Testing

  • 11/25/08
  • NIST ‘Stress Tests’ Probe Nanoscale Strains in Materials

  • 11/12/08
  • NCI and NIST Propose Online Community To Speed Up Development of Nanotech Standards

  • NIST Researcher Receives Kudos for Images of Labs on a Chip

  • NIST, Columbia Honored for 1931 Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen

  • NIST, NCI Bring Web 2.0 Tools to Nanotechnology Standards Effort

  • Two NIST Researchers’ Papers Recognized in Ceramics 'Best Of' Collection

  • 10/31/08
  • NIST Reference Materials Are 'Gold Standard' for Bio-Nanotech Research

  • 10/28/08
  • Sniffing Out a Better Chemical Sensor

  • 10/14/08
  • Paperwork: Buckypapers Clarify Electrical, Optical Behavior of Nanotubes

  • 10/01/08
  • Models of Eel Cells Suggest Electrifying Possibilities

  • Moths with a Nose for Learning

  • NIST/CSM Sensor Could Help Avert Pipeline Failures

  • 09/16/08
  • NIST and Partners Identify Tiny Gold Clusters as Top-Notch Catalysts

  • 09/03/08
  • Bottoms Up: Better Organic Semiconductors for Printable Electronics

  • 08/19/08
  • Candy-Coating Keeps Proteins Sweet

  • Oxygen Data is a Best Seller for Atmospheric Research

  • 08/06/08
  • Improved Reaction Data Heat Up the Biofuels Harvest

  • NIST, UMBI Host October Conference to Spur Bioscience Innovation

  • 07/22/08
  • NIST Membrane Model May Unlock Secrets of Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

  • NIST Trumps the Clumps: Making Biologic Drugs Safer

  • Slippery Customer: A Greener Antiwear Additive for Engine Oils

  • 07/09/08
  • Toothpick: New Molecular Tag IDs Bone and Tooth Minerals

  • 06/24/08
  • New Process Creates 3-D Nanostructures with Magnetic Materials

  • 06/10/08
  • Microwave Synthesis Connects With the (Quantum) Dots

  • NIST Chemists Get Scoop on Crude 'Oil' from Pig Manure

  • Research Measures Movement of Nanomaterials in Simple Model Food Chain

  • 05/28/08
  • A Molecular 'Salve' to Sooth Surface Stresses

  • 05/13/08
  • Bitter Orange SRMs: Tools for Product Analysis/Quality

  • Spin Control: New Technique Sorts Nanotubes by Length

  • 04/29/08
  • Making a Good Impression: Nanoimprint Lithography Tests at NIST

  • New 3-D Test Method for Biomaterials ‘Flat Out’ Faster

  • 04/15/08
  • Carbon Nanotube Measurements: Latest in NIST ‘How-To’ Series

  • Metal Detectives: New Book Details Titanic Investigation

  • NIST, Army Researchers Pave the Way for Anthrax Spore Standards

  • 04/01/08
  • New Report Outlines Research Roadmap for Biomanufacturing

  • 03/18/08
  • Copolymers Block Out New Approaches to Microelectronics at NIST

  • Joint Research: Probing the Mysteries of a Surprisingly Tough Hydrogel

  • Nanomaterials Show Unexpected Strength Under Stress

  • 02/19/08
  • Chemists Measure Copper Levels in Zinc Oxide Nanowires

  • NIST, NCI, SAIC Partner on New Method for Detecting HER2 Breast Cancer

  • Turtle Studies Suggest Health Risks from Environmental Contaminants

  • 02/05/08
  • Shear Ingenuity: Tweaking the Conductivity of Nanotube Composites

  • 01/23/08
  • NIST Building Facility for Hydrogen Pipeline Testing

  • Videos Extract Mechanical Properties of Liquid-Gel Interfaces

  • 01/08/08
  • NIST Reference Materials Are 'Gold Standard' for Bio-Nanotech Research

  • Rough Times: NIST's New Approach to Surface Profiling

  • 12/12/07
  • NIST Imaging System Maps Nanomechanical Properties

  • 11/27/07
  • Job-Related Stress: NIST Demonstrates Fatigue Effects in Silicon

  • 11/08/07
  • NIST Posts Online Database of Cryogenic Materials Properties

  • 10/25/07
  • New SRM Allows Accurate Accounting of Forensic DNA

  • NIST Demos Industrial-Grade Nanowire Device Fabrication

  • 09/27/07
  • Measurements from the Edge: Magnetic Properties of Thin Films

  • 09/13/07
  • New Guide Available for Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses

  • NIST Team Develops Novel Method for Nanostructured Polymer Thin Films

  • 08/30/07
  • Longer is Better for Nanotube Optical Properties

  • 08/16/07
  • Ginkgo SRMs: Tools for Product Analysis/Quality

  • Layered Approach May Yield Stronger, More Successful Bone Implants

  • SRMs Track Fire Retardants in Humans and Environment

  • 06/08/07
  • Silicon Nanowires Upgrade Data-Storage Technology

  • 05/24/07
  • New Fabrication Technique Yields Nanoscale UV LEDs

  • 03/30/07
  • Study: Cells Selectively Absorb Short Nanotubes

  • 11/09/06
  • New Measurement Guide Worth ‘Poring Over’

  • 10/26/06
  • New Web-based System Leads to Better, More Timely Data

  • Turning a Nuclear Spotlight on Illegal Weapons Material

  • 09/14/06
  • ERCC to Begin Test Rounds for Final RNA Reference Set

  • New Reference Materials Support Industrial Zeolites

  • 08/17/06
  • New Web Database Improves Access to Ionic Liquid Data

  • Structure of Key Enzyme in Plague Bacterium Found

  • 08/03/06
  • Links Between DNA Damage and Breast Cancer Studied

  • New X-Ray Microbeam Answers 20-Year-Old Metals Question submicron xray beam

  • 07/20/06
  • Add Nanotubes and Stir—With the Right Force

  • 07/06/06
  • Magnetic Ties May Explain High-Temp Superconductors

  • Rust Never Sleeps: New SRM Aids Coated Steel Industry

  • Stress Management: X-Rays Reveal Si Thin-Film Defects

  • 06/22/06
  • Soft Materials Buckle Up for Measurement

  • 06/08/06
  • Designer Gradients Speed Surface Science Experiments

  • 05/25/06
  • Mass Spectrometry Methods Database Gets Major Update

  • Neuronal Cell Cultures Kept on the Straight and Narrow

  • Still More Accurate After All These Years

  • 05/12/06
  • Low-Cost Microfluidics Can Be a Sticky Problem

  • NIST and NCI to Collaborate On Proteomics Assessment

  • Precision Biochemistry Tracks DNA Damage in Fish

  • 02/16/06
  • Boettinger Elected to Engineering Academy

  • Kayser Is New Head of NIST Materials Lab

  • 11/03/05
  • Measurement and Standards Issues in Telemedicine

  • 09/09/05
  • A New Structural View of Organic Electronic Devices

  • 08/26/05
  • Consortium Seeks Comment on Gene Expression Roadmap

  • Practice Guide Describes Engineering Standards

  • 08/10/05
  • NIST Workshop to Help Industry Meet New EU Regulations

  • 07/26/05
  • Bioagent Detector Guide Aids First Responder Purchasing

  • Measurement Challenges In Detecting Cancer Biomarkers

  • 06/16/05
  • New Gene Chip May Be Early Cancer Diagnosis Tool

  • 06/02/05
  • NIST June Workshop Focuses on BFRs in Environment

  • 11/10/04
  • Gold Nano Anchors Put Nanowires in Their Place

  • 06/16/04
  • Keeping Drugs Stable Without Refrigeration

  • 02/17/98
  • Failure of Tiny Rivets May Have Sunk 'Unsinkable' Liner
  • Contact

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    301-975-8300 Telephone
    301-975-3845 Facsimile

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    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8300