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This page contains the latest news about the SmartWay program and its partners.

SmartWay In the News

USEPA’s SmartWay one of 14 federal programs recognized as Harvard “Bright Ideas in Government
On Tuesday, September 25, 2012, Harvard’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation recognized 111 innovative government initiatives as Bright Ideas, including the USEPA’s SmartWay program.  This year’s cohort hails from all levels of government—including school districts, county, city, state, and federal agencies as well as public-private partnerships—and demonstrates a creative range of solutions to issues such as urban and rural degradation, environmental problems, and the academic achievement of students. SmartWay was one of a select group of only 14 federal programs highlighted.  Programs were evaluated and selected by a team of policy experts from academic and public sectors.

Complete list of Harvard's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation:"Bright Ideas in Government."Exit EPA Disclaimer

EPA Annouces Performance Requirements for Low Rolling Resistance Retread Tire Products
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to announce the first verifications of low rolling resistance retread tire products under the performance requirements announced in June 2012. Verified drive and trailer retreads are both available. More information about the SmartWay program, low rolling resistance tires and EPA-verified retreads can be found at http://www.epa.gov/smartway/technology/tires.htm.

EPA estimates that using verified low rolling resistance tires can improve fuel consumption by three percent when used in all axle positions on line-haul class-8 tractor trailers. Verified retreads, when used in the drive and trailer axle positions in combination with EPA-verified steer tires, can reduce fuel consumption by three percent relative to the most common retreads.

Updated SmartWay "Partner Logo" Policy
EPA has updated and published the partner logo requirements which identify SmartWay Partners (shippers, logistics companies, truck carriers and multimodal carriers) that are superior environmental performers. Eligible companies can highlight and promote their partner status using the SmartWay partner logo on their website, marketing materials and in advertising. Partner logo eligibility criteria and instructions regarding authorization for logo use are now available on the SmartWay website at: http://www.epa.gov/smartway/partner-resources/logo-use-guidelines.htm

SmartWay Excellence Awards
The 2012 SmartWay Excellence Awards assessment is underway. This is the first year that SmartWay is recognizing Partner's performance based on the results of the new quantification and reporting tools. Partners are now using these tools to quantify and report their freight operations, energy and environmental efficiency. The data also provides EPA an opportunity to look closely at Partners' CO2, NOx and PM emissions performance, and identify the leaders in each partner category. Consequently, applications are not requested and no supplemental information or materials are needed from the partners. Instead, EPA is conducting a thorough review of all partner data to identify leaders in their respective categories. EPA expects to announce the final awardeesthis fall. The criteria EPA is using to assess and identify the 2012 awardees can be viewed here www.epa.gov/smartway/partner-resources/awards.htm.

SmartWay Affiliate Challenge
The 2012 SmartWay Affiliate Challenge is underway! The Challenge provides EPA with the opportunity to publicly acknowledge the important contributions of SmartWay Affiliates. To highlight the valuable role of Affiliates in the SmartWay program, EPA will acknowledge Affiliates that conduct exceptional recruiting, outreach and educational activities which inspire and encourage others to join SmartWay and advance supply chain sustainability. Required activities and supporting material can be viewed here:

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