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SmartWay Transport Partnership

SmartWay Community

SmartWay has specific requirements for Partners and Affiliates. All other organizations that wish to support SmartWay are welcome to join the SmartWay Community.

SmartWay Community Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be a member of the SmartWay Community?

Community Members are for-profit companies that share the goals of the program and are committed to promoting greater energy efficiency and air quality within the freight transport sector.

Am I eligible to become a member of the SmartWay Community?

SmartWay Community members are open to any for-profit company associated with the freight transportation industry. If your company profile meets the criteria of a shipper, truck carrier, rail carrier, or logistics company, we encourage you to join as a SmartWay Partner; non-profits can join as SmartWay Affiliates.

How do I join the SmartWay Community?

Fill out the form below and you will receive periodic community updates via email.

To sign up for the SmartWay Community, please fill out the form below: Company/Organization

As a community member, do I have access to the SmartWay logo?

No, as a "for-profit" company, you do not have access to the SmartWay logo.

You are, however, allowed to use SmartWay web button (below) as a way to link from your website to the SmartWay website. This buttons is for promotional/educational purposes only, and can only be placed on your website.

SmartWay Web Button: Web buttons must be coded by the company or organization when uploaded. Web coding is also enclosed for your convenience.

SmartWay Web Button

Source code:

<a href="http://www.epa.gov/smartway"><img src="../images/partnership/community/smartway-web-button.gif" alt="Visit to the SmartWay Website" width="216" height="144"></a>

What other resources can I use?

As a community member, you can encourage members of your company or community to learn more about SmartWay by including links to SmartWay content on your website, in your newsletters/ezines, on your social media pages, and in other publications. You can find additional resources on this website and will periodically receive special notices about the program via email.


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