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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Marine Mammals
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Candidate, Proposed, and Delisted Species Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Candidate species are those petitioned species that are actively being considered for listing as endangered or threatened under the ESA, as well as those species for which NMFS has initiated an ESA status review that it has announced in the Federal Register. For detailed definitions and explanations, please refer to the April 15, 2004 and October 17, 2006, Federal register notices (69 FR 19975) [pdf], (71 FR 61022) [pdf], which revised the Candidate Species definition.

Proposed species are those candidate species that were found to warrant listing as either threatened or endangered and were officially proposed as such in a Federal Register notice after the completion of a status review and consideration of other protective conservation measures. Public comment is always sought on a proposal to list species under the ESA. NMFS generally has one year after a species is proposed for listing under the ESA to make a final determination whether to list a species as threatened or endangered.

Delisted species are those species that were formerly listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA.

List of Candidate, Proposed, and Delisted Species under NMFS' Jurisdiction

Candidates for Listing (101 candidate "species")

Species Year Federal Register notice
2011 76 FR 67652 [pdf]
2011 76 FR 67652 [pdf]
2010 75 FR 16713 [pdf]
  • Chinook salmon (1 candidate ESU)
    (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
    • Upper Klamath and Trinity Rivers Basin ESU
2011 76 FR 20302 [pdf]
2010 75 FR 6616 [pdf]
  • cusk
    (Brosme brosme)
2007 72 FR 10710 [pdf]
2012 77 FR 26478 [pdf]
2008 73 FR 19824 [pdf]
2012 77 FR 51763
  • sawfish (5 candidate species)
2011 76 FR 12308 [pdf]
  • Anoxyprisitis cuspidata
  • Pristis clavata
  • Pristis microdon
  • Pristis zijsron
  • Pristis pectinata (for non-ESA-listed population(s))
2011 76 FR 72891 [pdf]
  • sturgeon (5 candidate species)
    • Acipenser naccarii
    • Acipenser sturio
    • Acipenser sinensis
    • Acipenser mikadoi
    • Huso dauricus
2012 77 FR 51767

Proposed for Listing (7 proposed "species")

Species Year
  • Beringia
2010 proposed threatened [pdf]
  • Okhotsk
2010 proposed threatened [pdf]
2010 proposed endangered [pdf]
2010 proposed threatened [pdf]
  • Arctic
    (Phoca hispida hispida)
  • Okhotsk
    (Phoca hispida ochotensis)
  • Baltic
    (Phoca hispida botnica)
  • Ladoga
    (Phoca hispida ladogensis)

Under Review for Delisting (1 "species" under review for delisting)
Species Year of Candidate Status Year
  • Green turtle (1 DPS under review for delisting)
    (Chelonia mydas)
  • Hawaiian population
2012 1978 under review for delisting

Proposed for Delisting (1 proposed delisted "species")
Species Year
  • Eastern
2012 1990 proposed delisting (recovered) [pdf]

Delisted (2 delisted "species")
Species Year
2008 1967 extinct [pdf]
  • gray whale (1 delisted DPS)
    (Eschrichtius robustus)
  • Eastern North Pacific
1994 1970 recovered [pdf]; remains protected under MMPA

Endangered and Threatened Marine Species

Updated: September 27, 2012

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