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You are here: Topics > Biological and physical processes > Hydrologic processes
Groundwater flow
Movement of subsurface water in the saturated zone from areas of recharge to areas of discharge.
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PDF SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Variable-Density Groundwater Flow and Multi-Species Solute and Heat Transport [More info]
Software based on the MODFLOW modeling framework, used for studies of saltwater intrusion coastal aquifers, storage and recovery in brackish limestone aquifers, and brine migration in continental aquifers.
Ground-water flow and other computer simulations for Utah [More info]
Identifies computer models in USGS publications developed to study ground water for many areas of Utah.
PDF Groundwater recharge in Wisconsin--Annual estimates for 1970-99 using streamflow data [More info]
The groundwater component of streamflow is important because it is indicative of the sustained flow of a stream during dry periods, is often of better quality, and has a smaller range of temperatures, than surface contributions to streamflow.
Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) [More info]
The USGS Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in surface-water quality and flow modeling activities with links to articles, model archives, data archives, clearinghouse, mailing list, classes, and meetings.
PDF Decadal-scale changes in dissolved-solids concentrations in groundwater used for public supply [More info]
Recent increases in dissolved-solids concentrations in this aquifer have been documented in some areas used for public supply, raising concerns as to the sources and causes of the higher concentrations and the long-term effects on groundwater quality.
Ground-water data for the Nation [More info]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
Ground-water monitoring for pesticides in Wyoming [More info]
Sampling program to determine if pesticides are present in ground water, in accordance with Wyoming's Generic State Management Plan for Pesticides in Ground Water (SMP).
Unsaturated-Zone Flow Project [More info]
Overview of research to measure, predict, and understand the flow of water through soil and rock between the land surface and the water table with links to field sites, laboratory methods, theoretical developments, publications, and personnel.
PDF Watershed modeling applications in south Texas [More info]
Explains how mathematical simulations of watershed properties can help us understand the likely behavior of the water systems, putting the choices available to people in better perspective.
Amargosa Desert research site [More info]
Online reports, site description and photographs of the Amargosa Desert research site monitoring low level radioactive waste.
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