Frequently Asked Questions

Does EIA publish electric utility rate, tariff, and demand charge data?

No, EIA does not collect or publish data on electricity rates, or tariffs, for the sale or purchase of electricity, or on demand charges for electricity service, nor does EIA publish retail electricity rates or prices for peak or off-peak periods (sometimes referred to as time-of-use-rates).

EIA does publish average monthly and annual retail electricity prices that are derived from data collected on revenues (in dollars) and sales (in megawatt-hours) from electric utilities. EIA's retail electricity prices include all utility and government charges, fees, and taxes.

Individual utilities may have detailed rate/tariff schedules and demand charges. EIA is not aware of a publicly available source for this information other than individual utilities.

Average annual prices for most recent year available by type of customer for individual utilities are in Tables 6 to 10 of Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Price report.

Learn more:

Data files with monthly revenue and sales data for major utilities in each state

Last updated: September 20, 2012

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