Frequently Asked Questions

What are the energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by source and sector for the United States?

Energy-related CO2 emissions by source and sector for the United States, 20111
(Million Metric Tons)


Sources Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Electric Power Source Total
Coal 1 5 151 0 1,718 1,874
Natural Gas 256 171 419 39 411 1,296
Petroleum 78 49 345 1,802 25 2,299
Other2         11 11
Electricity3 827 767 567 4    
Sector Total 1,162 992 1,482 1,845 2,166 5,481

Total energy-related CO2 emissions equal 5,481 million metric tons.

1Preliminary data for 2011.
2Miscellaneous wastes and from geothermal power generation.
3Electricity-related CO2 emissions based on electricity use for each sector and electric power emissions.

Learn More:

Energy Explained: Where Greenhouse Gases Come From

Last updated: June 22, 2012

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