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Region I: About Us

This page contains information about FEMA's Region I office, which serves the six New England states.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Region I is responsible for these efforts in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

FEMA Region I works closely with state, local and tribal emergency management partners in New England to prepare for, protect against, respond to and recover from all hazards.

We work with the Whole Community to reduce the impact of natural disasters, and to prepare communities, families and individuals for all possible hazards. We continually update our plans to ensure that we are truly ready for all manner of disastrous events. We also support our state, local and tribal partners with grants for projects that reduce risks, improve public safety, and protect the environment. 

As a threat develops or when a disaster happens, we respond using the plans we’ve created and practiced with our partner agencies. We activate our staff and resources, and stand by to support our partners when they request assistance or commodities from us. FEMA also coordinates support from many other Federal agencies via our Regional Response Coordination Center, located twenty miles west of Boston.

Under the leadership of Acting Regional Administrator Paul F. Ford, our six divisions work together to fulfill FEMA's mission:

  • Grants: Managing federal grants to governments and departments in New England
  • Mission Support: Providing financial, administrative, and technological support to regional staff
  • Mitigation: Promoting risk reduction activities and methods
  • National Preparedness: Working with New England to prepare for disasters of all kinds
  • Recovery: Helping communities, businesses and individuals recover from disasters
  • Response: Coordinating the Federal response to disasters in the region

Contact Us

99 High St.
Boston, MA 02110
Email us

Last Updated: 
04/21/2015 - 17:48