/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 11:20:25 Oct 21, 2012 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 19:15:53 Oct 17, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ function NewWindow(sURL, sWindowName, iWidth,iHeight, sScrollYesNo, sResizableYesNo){ var fLeftPosition, fTopPosition; var sSettings; fLeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-iWidth)/2 : 0; fTopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-iHeight)/2 : 0; sSettings = 'height='+ iHeight +',width='+ iWidth +',top='+ fTopPosition +',left='+ fLeftPosition +',scrollbars='+ sScrollYesNo +',resizable=' + sResizableYesNo window.open(sURL, sWindowName, sSettings) } function ShowDiv(name) { var divOverlay = document.getElementById(name); if (divOverlay != null) divOverlay.style.display = 'block'; } function getElement(name) { return document.getElementById(name); } function HideDiv(name) { var divOverlay = document.getElementById(name); if (divOverlay != null) divOverlay.style.display = 'none'; } function NewWindow(sURL, sWindowName, iWidth,iHeight, sScrollYesNo, sResizableYesNo) { var fLeftPosition, fTopPosition; var sSettings; fLeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-iWidth)/2 : 0; fTopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-iHeight)/2 : 0; sSettings = 'height='+ iHeight +',width='+ iWidth +',top='+ fTopPosition +',left='+ fLeftPosition +',scrollbars='+ sScrollYesNo +',resizable=' + sResizableYesNo window.open(sURL, sWindowName, sSettings) } function isCurrency(Field) { strValue = Field.value; regexp = /^(([0-9]{1,3}(\,[0-9]{3})*)|([0-9]{0,3}))(\.[0-9]{2})?$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isFloat(Field) { strValue = Field.value; regexp = /^(\+|\-)?([0-9]+)(((\.|\,)?([0-9]+))?)$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isInteger(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^(\+|\-)?([0-9]+)$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isUserName(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^([^$@\\ ]+)$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isEmail(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^[A-Za-z0-9']+([_\.\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9']+)*\@([A-Za-z0-9\-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,5}$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isEmptyFCK(Field) { strValue = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(Field.id).GetXHTML(); // delete all default tags rexp = / /gi; strValue = strValue.replace(rexp, ''); rexp = /

<\/p>/gi; strValue = strValue.replace(rexp, ''); rexp = /

 <\/p>/gi; strValue = strValue.replace(rexp, ''); if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return true; } return false; } function isNotEmptyFCK(val) { var ctrl = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate); return !isEmptyFCK(ctrl); } function isURL(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^http(s?):\/\/([^$@\\ ]+)$/i if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isEmailList(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); // delete all spaces near comma rexp = /, /gi; strValue = strValue.replace(rexp, ','); rexp = / ,/gi; strValue = strValue.replace(rexp, ','); strArray = strValue.split(","); regexp = /^[A-Za-z0-9']([_\.\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9']+)*\@([A-Za-z0-9\-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,5}$/ for (var i=0; i < strArray.length; i++) { if (isEmpty(strArray[i])) return false; if (!regexp.test(strArray[i])) return false; } // set new field value (with removed spaces between comma and addresses) Field.value = strValue; return true; } function isZip(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } if (strValue.indexOf('-') >=0 ) { regexp = /^\d{5}-\d{4}$/ } else { regexp = /^\d{5}$/ } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isPhone(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^1{0,1} *(-| ){0,1} *[\(]*[0-9]{0,3}[\)]* *(-| ){0,1} *[0-9]{3} *(-| ){0,1} *[0-9]{4}$/; if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isFax(Field) { strValue = getValue(Field); regexp = /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/ if (isEmpty(strValue)) { return false; } return regexp.test(strValue); } function isEmpty(s) { if (s == null || trim(s) == '') { return true; } else { return false; } } function isText(f) { return !isEmptyField(f); } function isNotEmptyDate(val) { return !isEmptyDate(val); } function isNotEmptyTime(val) { return !isEmptyTime(val); } function isEmptyDate(val) { var ctrl = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_cal'); return isEmptyField(ctrl); } function isEmptyTime(val) { var ctrl_h = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_H'); var ctrl_m = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_M'); var ctrl_ampm = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_AMPM'); if (ctrl_h.selectedIndex == 0) return true; if (ctrl_m.selectedIndex == 0) return true; if (ctrl_ampm.selectedIndex == 0) return true; return false; } function isValidDate(val) { var ctrl = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_cal'); return isDate(ctrl); } function isValidTime(val) { var ctrl_h = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_H'); var ctrl_m = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_M'); var ctrl_ampm = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_AMPM'); if (ctrl_h.selectedIndex == 0 && ctrl_m.selectedIndex == 0 && ctrl_ampm.selectedIndex == 0) return true; if (ctrl_h.selectedIndex == 0) return false; if (ctrl_m.selectedIndex == 0) return false; if (ctrl_ampm.selectedIndex == 0) return false; return true; } function isDate(Field) { if (isEmptyField(Field)) return true; var dtArray = Field.value.split('/'); if (dtArray.length != 3) return false; return CheckDate(dtArray[0],dtArray[1],dtArray[2]); } function CheckDate(m,d,y) { Months = "31/!/28/!/31/!/30/!/31/!/30/!/31/!/31/!/30/!/31/!/30/!/31"; MonthArray = Months.split("/!/"); if (isNaN(parseInt(m,10))) return false; if (isNaN(parseInt(d,10))) return false; if (isNaN(parseInt(y,10))) return false; if (d != parseInt(d,10)) return false; if (m != parseInt(m,10)) return false; if (y != parseInt(y,10)) return false; d = parseInt(d,10); m = parseInt(m,10); y = parseInt(y,10); y = convertYear(y); if (y <= 1900 ) return false; if (y >= 2100 ) return false; if (m < 1 || m > 12 ) return false; if ( isLeapYear(y)) MonthArray[1] = eval(eval(MonthArray[1]) + 1); if (d<1 || MonthArray[m-1] < d ) return false; return true; } function convertYear(y) { var borderYEAR = 40; yearvalue = parseInt(y,10); if (isNaN(yearvalue)) return y; if (yearvalue - borderYEAR <= 0) { yearvalue = yearvalue + 2000 } else if (yearvalue - 100 < 0) { yearvalue = yearvalue + 1900 } return yearvalue; } function isLeapYear(Year) { if(Math.round(Year/4) == Year/4){ if(Math.round(Year/100) == Year/100){ if(Math.round(Year/400) == Year/400) return true; else return false; }else return true; } return false; } function getValue(Field) { fieldType = Field.type; if (fieldType == "text") { return getTextValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "hidden") { return getTextValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "select-one") { return getListValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "textarea") { return getTextValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "file") { return getTextValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "password") { return getTextValue(Field); } else if (fieldType == "checkbox") { return getCheckboxValue(Field); } else if (isNaN(fieldType)) { return getRadioValue(Field); } else { return getTextValue(Field); } } function getListValue(Field) { return Field[Field.selectedIndex].value; } function getTextValue(Field) { return Field.value; } function getCheckboxValue(Field) { if (Field.checked) return Field.value; return ''; } function getRadioValue(Field) { found = false; if(isNaN(Field.length)) { return Field.value; } for(var i=0; i< Field.length; i++) { if ( Field[i].checked ) { return Field[i].value; break; } } return !found; } function trim(str) { while (str.substring(0,1) == " ") { str = str.substring(1,str.length); } while (str.substring(str.length-1,str.length) == " ") { str = str.substring(0,str.length-1); } return str; } function isEmptyList(Field) { return isEmpty(Field[Field.selectedIndex].value); } function isEmptyText(Field) { return isEmpty(Field.value) } function isEmptyCheckbox(Field) { return !Field.checked; } function isEmptyField(Field) { fieldType = Field.type; if (fieldType == "text") { return isEmptyText(Field); } else if (fieldType == "hidden") { return isEmptyText(Field); } else if (fieldType == "file") { return isEmptyText(Field); } else if (fieldType == "select-one") { return isEmptyList(Field); } else if (fieldType == "textarea") { return isEmptyText(Field); } else if (fieldType == "password") { return isEmptyText(Field); } else if (fieldType == "checkbox") { return isEmptyCheckbox(Field) } else if (isNaN(fieldType)) { return isEmptyRadio(Field) } else { return isEmptyText(Field); } } function isDefined(obj) { if(typeof(obj) == "undefined") { return false; } else { return true; } } function isEmptyRadio(Field) { found = false; if(isNaN(Field.length)) { return !Field.checked; } for(var i=0; i< Field.length; i++) { if ( Field[i].checked ) { found = true; break; } } return !found; } function isNotEmptyFile(val) { return !isEmptyFile(val); } function isEmptyFile(val) { var oid, fid, cid, bDelChecked = false; oid = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_OLD'); fid = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_FILE'); cid = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_CHK'); if (cid != null) { bDelChecked = cid.checked; } return (isEmptyField(oid) && isEmptyField(fid) || isEmptyField(fid) && bDelChecked); } function isNotEmptyCheckBoxList(val) { var parent = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate); var checkboxes = parent.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); var checked = false; for(var i=0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) return true; } return false; } function isValidFile(val) { if (isEmptyFile(val)) return true; var fid = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_FILE'); if (isEmptyField(fid)) return true; var filename = getValue(fid); var lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf(".") if (lastDot == -1) return false; var ext = filename.substring(lastDot+1,filename.length); filename = filename.substring(0,lastDot); if (filename == '') return false; var aExtensions = val.extensions.split(","); for (i=0; i < aExtensions.length; i++) { if (aExtensions[i] == ext.toLowerCase()) return true; } return false; } function limit(fname, width, maxChar) { var ta1, ta2, d; d = document.getElementById(fname + 'DIV'); if ( maxChar < 1 ) { d.innerHTML = ""; return; } ctrl = document.getElementById(fname + '_ctrl'); x = maxChar - ctrl.value.length; if (x < 0) { ctrl.value = ctrl.value.substring(0, maxChar); x = 0; } ta1 = document.getElementById(fname + 'TA1'); ta1.style.width = Math.floor(width*(maxChar-x)/maxChar) + 'px'; ta1.alt = maxChar-x+" chars used"; 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