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Section 225. Study and Report on Effectiveness of Authorities Relating to Safety of Imported Consumer Products

Brief Summary

Section 225 requires the Comptroller General to study the effectiveness of the Commission’s legal authority to halt unsafe consumer product imports. Its report must specifically address legislative recommendations related to inspecting foreign manufacturing plants and requiring foreign manufacturers to consent to the jurisdiction of United States courts with respect to enforcement actions by the Commission.

Effective Date: The Comptroller General must report to Congress not later than one year after enactment.

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For more information on the CPSIA contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at http://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/newleg.aspx.

This document is an unofficial description of one of the sections of the CPSIA and does not replace or supersede the statutory requirements of the new legislation. The dates used follow the legislation. Some may be subject to change based on final Commission action. These summaries are those of the CPSC staff and have not been reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission.