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Respect, Ethics, And Leadership
Mission: To develop cadets’ and students' critical thinking, moral reasoning and values based decision making by mentoring and interacting with high school students around the country.
Vision: REAL Serves as West Point’s premier Cadet led character based strategic outreach organization for high school students.

PDF Form for REAL at New Orleans, LA
Letter for Students at New Orleans, LA
The West Point REAL Club is a Cadet-led organization which travels around the United States organizing Leadership and Ethics Conferences for outstanding high school students. During these conferences, high school students listen to a distinguished speaker followed by participation in Cadet-facilitated small group discussions. Through their interaction with Cadets, students learn about the value of ethical decision making and the impact principled leadership and ethics have on their lives. Furthermore, Cadets serve as models of sound moral and ethical character and as ambassadors of both West Point and the United States Army.
Students who participate in these conferences will gain a better understanding of the role in which values play in the development of one’s character, worldview, and self-concept. REAL conferences are NOT recruiting missions; as such all high school students, regardless of their University/College plans, are encouraged to attend the conferences. The Cadets will provide the students with a model for values based decision making, grounded in the values which they have inculcated during their West Point experience, and which can be applied to the student’s everyday life.
While the high school students are the primary audience for these conferences, the Cadets learn a lot about themselves as well. In leading the small group discussions Cadets receive valuable practice in public speaking and small organization leadership. The Cadets are placed in the charge of 10-15 young adults, perhaps only 2 years their junior, and are responsible for promoting intelligent dialogue, explaining their value set and its influence in their personal experience. Lastly, placed in such an auspicious light, the Cadets cannot simply speak about moral and ethical behavior but must also act as role models for their students and hold to the highest standard of their motto “Duty, Honor, Country.”
If you are a high school student and would like to sign up for the 2012 and 2013 REAL conferences, contact CPT Linda Wade.  We have 120 seats for REAL events. An application is required and you will be contact if selected.