USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for MDGs

Live at UNGA – Day Three

Day three at UNGA included two marquee events spotlighting progress to date on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.

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El Salvador Makes the Grade in Universal Primary Education

I live in the Zaragoza region, one of the poorest areas in central El Salvador. We have limited economic development opportunities for our people, yet one of the highest rates of population density in the country.

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Broadband Partnership of the Americas

Eric Postel is the Assistant Administrator for USAID’s Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade Bureau.  President Obama, while attending the Summit of the Americas in Colombia, announced a new Broadband Partnership of the Americas (BPA), with a focus on expanding access to the Internet.  This Partnership is the first region-wide extension of the Global Broadband and [...]

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MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Success and Innovations

On Wednesday, September 21, USAID and UK development agency DFID co-hosted, “MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Successes and Innovations.” The event highlighted several game-changing programs and policies of countries that have made significant progress towards achieving the MDGs. Along with Secretary Mitchell and Administrator Shah, featured speakers included: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson, The Elders [...]

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UK and US working ever closer together to reduce global poverty

In the run up to 2015, the British Government and the US are working with developing countries, the business world and public organisations to inspire action as we strive to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). To this end, we kicked off in New York this week with the first ever MDG Countdown event, highlighting [...]

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MDG countdown: Celebrating Successes and Innovation

Today, Secretary of State Mitchell of UK development agency DFID and I will co-host an event along the sidelines of the UN General Assembly to celebrate successes and innovations in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Indeed, the world has much to celebrate. Through partnerships between communities and governments and the integration of new, non-traditional [...]

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Bangladesh: Maternal Deaths Decline by 40 Percent in Less Than 10 Years

Bangladesh is on track to meet the 2015 deadline for U.N. Millennium Development Goal 5 (50 percent reduction in maternal deaths).   The Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Service Survey[PDF] jointly funded by the Government of Bangladesh, USAID, Australian Aid (AusAID) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) found that maternal deaths in Bangladesh fell [...]

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Life Savers in Africa

Submitted by Ari Alexander, Director for the Center for Faith-based & Community Initiatives and the Senior Advisor of NGO Partnerships and Global Engagement at USAID. Thunderstorms took out the electricity. The conference proceeded without lights, microphones or air conditioning in 100 degree heat. Most of us would find ourselves understandably distracted and uncomfortable under such [...]

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Focus on Nutrition: Creating Inclusive Partnerships and Deepening our Knowledge

Cross-posted from DipNote, the U.S. Department of State Official Blog Author: Ertharin Cousin, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies in Rome. Recently, I visited Bangladesh to find out how you feed a country that has half the population of the United States squeezed into an area the size of the state of Iowa. One [...]

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Increasing the Involvement of Men in Family Health

Submitted by Chris Thomas Reducing maternal deaths by 75 percent throughout the world by 2015 will take the involvement of men in countries where it matters most. Many of the countries where USAID works are male dominated cultures. To improve maternal health outcomes for women in developing countries, men must be equal partners since they [...]

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