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What Do You Think About Solar Decathlon?

October 7, 2011 - 2:07pm


Solar Decathlon 2011 ran from Sept. 23 - Oct. 2, and the event was a great success! This week we highlighted a story from the Solar Decathlon News Blog, which announced Appalachian State University as the winner of the People's Choice award. Drew gave us a thoughtful recap of the event and reminded us why DOE sponsors this bi-annual event:  Because the results can transform the world by using today's renewable technology to build the houses of tomorrow.

Did you get a chance to see the houses, or did you follow the teams on Facebook or their website? What did you think of the event?

Each week, you have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers. E-mail your responses to the Energy Saver team at
