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At Kennedy

SpaceX Falcon 9/Dragon

Liftoff of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket

SpaceX-1 Commercial Resupply Services Flight
Launch Date: Oct. 7
Launch Time: 8:35 p.m. EDT
Launch Vehicle: Falcon 9
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

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Atlantis Transition and Retirement

Latest Rocket Launch - RBSP

Artistic rendering of Radiation Belt Storm Probes

Launch Date: Aug. 30
Launch Time: 4:05 a.m. EDT
Launch Vehicle: Atlas V
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla.

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Kennedy's 50th Anniversary - July 1, 2012

Top Stories

Kennedy Marks 50 Years with Gala

KSC 50th Anniversary Gala

The massive, white Saturn V rocket suspended from the ceiling of the Apollo/Saturn V Center served as a backdrop for celebration.

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Soil Heat Shield Concept Passes Arc Jet Testing

Michael Hogue shows regolith heat shield sample to NASA chief technologist.

Samples of heat shield material made from regolith from other worlds passed stringent testing recently.

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Coleman, Fossum Describe Life on Space Station

Mike Fossum & Catherine Coleman

Astronauts Catherine Coleman and Mike Fossum spoke to Kennedy Space Center employees about their experiences aboard the space station.

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Orion Crew Access Arm Reaches for New, Heritage ...

Orion Crew Access Arm

Kennedy Space Center Ground Systems Development and Operations engineers are combining heritage technology and new innovations to design the crew access arm for the Orion spacecraft.

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Volunteers Clean Kennedy Space Center's Beach

Volunteers pick up trash from Kennedy Space Center beaches

Members of the Kennedy Space Center workforce, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Ocean Conservancy join forces for a beach cleanup effort.

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