SBA's Online Business Chat - a live Q&A session with small business experts.
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  Topic: Business Opportunities for Young Women
  Host: Ana Harvey, Assistant Administrator, SBA's Office of Women's Business Ownership
Meredith Olafson, Senior Policy Advisor, SBA’s Office of Entrepreneurial Development
  Time: Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 2:00:00 PM EDT
  Picture of Ana Harvey
  Ana Harvey
  Picture of Meredith Olafson
  Meredith Olafson

Are you a young woman with tons of fresh ideas for a small business, but without a clue on how to get started?   Find out how one woman started her own company when she was young, and how the SBA can help you find the capital, mentoring and support needed to establish your own successful business. 

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Note:  There is not an audio format for the online chat, and no broadcast capability.  SBA moderators retain editorial control over the online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for chat participants and hosts.


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