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Agricultural Research Magazine (View Digital Version)

November/December 2011 - Vol. 59, No. 10

Cover of November-December 2011 Agricultural Research Magazine

You'll find Agricultural Research magazine full text articles on this server in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or in PDF (Portable Document Format). If you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for pdf files, click here: Get Acrobat Reader

November/December 2011 issue (PDF publication).

Table of Contents

Forum—Turning to Nature To Address Some of Our Most Vexing Problems (html) or (pdf)

Carefully Unraveling the Intricacies of Biochar (html) or (pdf)

Peter and the Festulolium Stalk (html) or (pdf)
El cuento de Peter Pitts y el pasto forrajero llamado festulolium (html)

Cleaning Cows from Inside Out (html) or (pdf)

Coming to a Field Near You: Taped Insect Cadavers (html) or (pdf)

Tall Fescue Ground Cover Stifles Nematodes in Peach Orchards (html) or (pdf)

Integrated Control System Improves Cotton Health (html) or (pdf)

Flour Power: Whole-Grain Flour Studies May Help Boost the Goodness of Crackers and Cookies (html) or (pdf)

Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue (html) or (pdf)

2011 INDEX (html) or (pdf)

Last Modified: 03/05/2012
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