Program Managers

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​Achieve mission success with NIEM. A mature, governed, and proven model, NIEM provides timely access to quality information, enabling better decision-making.

When governments and industries attempt to work together to solve mutual problems, doing so without agreed-upon, common standards can be costly. Information sharing and exchange standards provide a road map to efficiently and effectively achieve mutual goals and, in so doing, serve to:

  • Speed innovation within the defined framework;
  • Save time and money in the design and creation of the solutions; and
  • Mitigate development and deployment risk.

NIEM connects agencies so that they can collaborate and develop innovative, data-driven, mission-focused solutions. Learn how NIEM can help you save time and money, comply with organizational standards, and increase organizational efficiency. Join our community and connect with peers who are NIEM experts.

Need training? We offer comprehensive courses for you and your staff.​



    • Gang Data Sharing|Case Studies
      This case study highlights the successful utilization of NIEM as part of the MassGangs project to support the exchange of information obtained by local, regional, and state criminal justice agencies regarding members of criminal gangs and illegal organizations in Massachusetts.
      Current average rating is 2 stars.
    • This report highlights an unprecedented opportunity for substantial gains in increasing standardized connections and shared services for cross-boundary information exchange. It challenges the status quo of silos and presents a path forward to a strategy for significant gains. The analysis of these results, the maturity and capability of the agencies to deliver, and the potential indications of high reuse should be strategic drivers for the growth of the NIEM program, as it rises to meet these challenges and take advantage of these new opportunities.
      Current average rating is 0 star.
    • This report summarizes findings and recommendations from the NIEM focus group meeting on June 25–26, 2008 in Washington, DC. The goal of the focus group was to provide insights on how the NIEM model is being used by different people, as well as potential issues that have been uncovered when NIEM was put into productive use in real-world exchanges.
      Current average rating is 0 star.
    • NIEM Cost Model|Scenarios
      The NIEM Cost Model has been designed to quantify the inputs used for NIEM implementation within an organization. It takes the NIEM Information Exchange Development Lifecycle, the processes that are associated with it, and relates associated costs. This zip file includes the NIEM Cost Model, a Quick Reference Guide and a User Guide.
      Current average rating is 5 stars.
    • This document provides a quick reference to the NIEM Cost Model. The NIEM Cost Model has been designed to quantify the inputs used for NIEM implementation within an organization. It takes the NIEM Information Exchange Development Lifecycle, the processes that are associated with it, and relates associated costs.
      Current average rating is 0 star.
    • This document provides a user guide for the NIEM Cost Model. The NIEM Cost Model has been designed to quantify the inputs used for NIEM implementation within an organization. It takes the NIEM Information Exchange Development Lifecycle, the processes that are associated with it, and relates associated costs.
      Current average rating is 0 star.
    • The NIEM Cost Model takes the NIEM Information Exchange Development Lifecycle and the processes that are associated with it, and relates associated costs. The model can be used as an estimator and baseline starting point during the budgeting and planning.
      Current average rating is 0 star.