Energy-Efficient Product Procurement

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FEMP is now offering updates on its energy-efficient product procurement activities via e-mail. Sign up online.

Federal agencies are required to procure energy-efficient products. FEMP produces energy efficiency requirements and resources to help Federal buyers comply with Federal requirements while saving energy and costs.

This section outlines FEMP's energy-efficient products program. A program overview and buyer overview are also available.

  • Federal Requirements: Outlines Federal laws and regulations surrounding the purchase and use of energy-using products.

  • Covered Product Categories: Provides energy performance requirements for energy-efficient products organized by product category.

  • Product Category Designation Process: Defines the FEMP-designated products program with information on how FEMP designates performance categories and listing criteria.

  • Low Standby Power: Outlines products with low standby power, including office equipment, consumer electronics, appliances, and many other categories.

  • Energy and Cost Savings Calculators: Provides tools to calculate energy cost savings possible by switching to more efficient products.

  • Model Acquisition Language: Provides standard language to include in contracts involving the purchase and use of energy-using products.

  • Working Group: Information, meeting notes, and resources from the Federal Product Procurement Working Group (PPWG).

  • Additional Resources: Outlines publications, software, and procurement tools to aid in the purchasing of energy-efficient products.


The Federal Government is the largest volume buyer of energy-consuming products in the world. By procuring energy-efficient products, Federal buyers can reduce energy consumption and achieve enormous cost savings. The aggregate effect of these purchasing decisions is enormous.

In addition to improving the Federal Government's energy performance, Federal energy-efficient product procurement can also impact the worldwide market. By setting a clear standard for energy performance, Federal procurement requirements can shift the market toward greater production of energy-efficient products. That, in turn, improves availability and reduces cost for all consumers.

A First Thursday Seminar video presentation is available with related training materials on requirements and benefits surrounding Federal procurement of energy-efficient products.