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CHIEF Site Index

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Emission Inventories Emissions Factors
Air Pollutant Emission Trends

Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule

Emission Inventory Improvement Program

Emission Inventory Training

National Emission Inventory (NEI) Information

North American Emission Inventories

PM2.5 Inventory Resources
AP-42 Vol. 1 (Stationary Sources) webFIRE

Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT)

Electronic Stack Testing and Assessment Project

Mobile Sources

Related Emissions Factors Documents
Software & Tools Emissions Modeling General

Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT)



Related Software & Tools
Modeling Clearinghouse

Projections Modeling

Speciation Assignments

Spatial Assignments

Temporal Assignments

Related Software
Emission Inventory Conferences

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Related Sites

| Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards | Technology Transfer Network |
| Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors |

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