Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
C8 - End-Use Monitoring (EUM)

Chapter 8, End-Use Monitoring, describes the Golden Sentry end-use monitoring plan and procedures for routine and enhanced end-use monitoring of defense articles and services provided by the USG to partner nations. It included procedures for assisting countries in fulfilling Department of State requirements prior to retransfers, changes of end-use, or disposal and for verifying appropriate demilitarization requirements.


Section Title
C8.1. Definition and Purpose of End-Use Monitoring
C8.2. Golden Sentry
C8.3. Routine EUM
C8.4. Enhanced EUM
C8.5. Golden Sentry Program Visit Policy and Guidance
C8.6. Unauthorized End-Use
C8.7. Third Party Transfers, Changes in End-Use, and Disposal
C8.8. Changes in End-Use and EUM at the Time of Disposal
Page Updated 09-12-2011