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    NEIWPCC publishes L.U.S.T.Line, a national bulletin on underground storage tanks, three times a year. Funded with support from EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks, L.U.S.T.Line keeps state and federal UST regulators, consultants, contractors, and tank owners informed about UST and LUST activities, cleanup fund issues, spill remediation, and prevention technologies. NEIWPCC has been publishing L.U.S.T.Line since 1985, and it has become the publication of record for UST matters nationwide.

    For more information, please contact lustline@neiwpcc.org.

    Order a L.U.S.T.Line T-shirt online at portal.neiwpcc.org or mail an order form with payment to NEIWPCC.

    L.U.S.T.Line Archive: To obtain printed versions of entire back issues, please contact NEIWPCC at lustline@neiwpcc.org or 978-323-7929. To locate specific articles, consult the L.U.S.T.Line Index, available on this site.



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