
Make your next European destination a marathon

Did you, like me, eat way too many cookies and other treats in the period running up to Christmas and into the New Year? Are you now thinking about getting fit in the year ahead? Does the thought of completing a marathon or a half-marathon this spring serve as inspiration for starting a training regimen in earnest?

If so, there are no shortage of running events, both close to home and those that would entail a journey, taking place in the months to come. If your resolution for the new year called for plenty of exercise and getting out to see more of Europe, why not make a travel date to complete a marathon, half-marathon, or shorter run? Barring your own participation, a friend who’s been training in earnest would certainly appreciate your support on his or her big day. Here are some competitions in the first half of 2012:



About the Author

Karen Bradbury has lived and worked in Europe for more than fifteen years. She has called Moscow, Copenhagen, Rome and now a small wine-producing village along the Rhine in Germany home. When she's not working, whatever the season, she's probably traveling.
