Tag Archives: Middle Grades

Destined for Middle School: You Gotta Have Heart

Delia Davis-Dyke didn’t always want to be a middle school administrator. Her first aspiration was to be an attorney, but she was moved by the words of one of early bosses: “Major in what you love and the money will … Continue reading

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Keeping REAL-Time at Glasgow Middle

Three years ago, Principal of Glasgow Middle School (Fairfax, Va.) Deirdre Lavery found herself face to face with the classic middle school dilemma: how to make all students in her diverse population feel a part of large school community while … Continue reading

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Middle Grades Matter

“You teach middle school? Why?! All those hormones and growth spurts and changes. How do you do it?” These words are not uncommon for middle grades teachers to hear. The general public, other educators, and even parents of young adolescents … Continue reading

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