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Drugs, alcohol, and smoking

Ways to say "no" to drugs

Check out these possible replies to offers of drugs.

Everybody’s doing drugs.
[Reply:] I think plenty of people aren’t doing drugs. Anyway, it’s not right for me.

Pot will make you feel good.
[Reply:] I already feel pretty good. And I don’t want to mess that up.

If you’re my friend, you’ll get high with me.
[Reply:] I really like you. I just don’t like drugs.

Nobody will know.
[Reply:] I’m not taking any chances. I’d be grounded for life if I got caught.

This is really cool stuff.
[Reply:] I know someone who got really sick from that. That’s not cool at all.

Content last updated May 18, 2010

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
