Liberia's Presidential Elections

Press Statement
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
November 5, 2011


The United States is deeply disappointed by the decision of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) to boycott Liberia’s presidential run-off election on November 8. The CDC’s charge that the first-round election was fraudulent is unsubstantiated. As evidenced by international and domestic observers, Liberia’s October 11 first-round presidential and legislative elections were fair, free and transparent.

We are supportive of moving forward with the November 8 election as called for by the National Elections Commission. Participation in elections is a fundamental part of democracy. We commend all Liberians for their peaceful participation in the elections, and encourage all Liberians to exercise their political voice and vote on November 8.

The United States commends the leadership of ECOWAS, notes the important contributions of UNMIL in promoting security during the electoral period, for working with all sides to protect the integrity of Liberia’s democracy. The international community, including the United States, will again send observers to monitor the election process. Resorting to violence is unacceptable.

PRN: 2011/1877


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