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Statement: December 19, 2007 Print this page

Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher's statement on U.S. Senate confirmation to a second term

"I am honored at the Senate's vote today to confirm me to a second term at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

And I am pleased that the Senate also has confirmed my colleague, Jon Wellinghoff, to a second term. He is an outstanding Commissioner and a valued colleague, and I look forward to continuing to work closely with him on the important matters that we have before us. The Senate action today provides a necessary level of regulatory stability at the Commission.

This vote is a clear expression of confidence in the crucial work we are doing at FERC to guard the consumer from exploitation, promote effective competition in wholesale power and gas markets, and develop a strong energy infrastructure. This vote also shows confidence in the manner in which FERC has executed its new responsibilities under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, particularly with respect to grid reliability and market enforcement.

I wish to thank Chairman Bingaman and Senator Domenici for their support, and I look forward to continuing to work with them and their colleagues in both the House and the Senate to ensure that we protect the public interest.

I am grateful to President Bush for re-nominating me to this position. I consider this a tribute to the hard work of FERC staff and recognition of all that we at FERC have accomplished."

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Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher

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Updated: June 28, 2010