Video Remarks to Indian Diaspora Event at East West Center

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 12, 2011


Good evening everyone. I am delighted to send greetings to each of you as you come together to find new ways to advance our cooperation with the Indian Diaspora community.

Indian-Americans have contributed so much to the fabric of our society. We know that you are scholars, business leaders, politicians and artists, musicians, academics, physicians, lawyers and so much more. And you have helped cement the bonds between India and the United States.

Next week I will be in New Delhi for the second U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue, where we will discuss new ways to advance our goals on a variety of important issues. We are working together to create economic opportunity for people, to fight terrorism and violent extremism, to halt the spread of nuclear weapons. We are addressing climate change and giving more people and nations a pathway out of poverty.

But we know that governments alone cannot solve all of today’s problems. That’s why we need your ideas and we need your energy and your commitment to help us meet some of the most complicated and pressing challenges of our time. You and our Diaspora community will help write the next chapter of the U.S.-India partnership.

I want to thank the Indian-American community and everyone here tonight for your efforts in helping to bring our two great nations – two great democracies – even closer together and for contributing in your own ways to a brighter future for all of our people. Thank you very much.

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