Remarks on North Korea

James B. Steinberg
Deputy Secretary of State
Seoul, South Korea
January 26, 2011


AP Soundbite

DEPUTY SECRETARY STEINBERG: They are not going to achieve their objectives through intimidation and through coercion. And that, on the contrary, all they will do is deepen their isolation and lead to even more effective implementation of the measures that we have adopted in response to previous provocations. So the message to the North is clear. I hope that their recent moves reflect recognition that if they want to move on the agenda that they say they want to move into, a more constructive relationship with South Korea and the rest of us that they will need to show sincere moves away from the path of provocation and towards meaningful and sincere dialogues.

DEPUTY SECRETARY STEINBERG: The stronger that we can make that message and the more different opportunities that we have to do that, the more, I think, we will be successful in persuading the North that it needs to go back to its commitments under the joint statement. So I think the strong position that we've all taken and I think the clear message coming out of the summit between President Obama and President Hu should help drive that message home.

DEPUTY SECRETARY STEINBERG: China understands the importance of moving forward initially with the North-South dialogue that rebuilding trust here in South Korea is a critical first step towards being able to move forward to more a broad-base dialogue. So in that sense, there is a shared view among all of us about the centrality and the importance of moving forward on the North-South dimension.

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