Twentieth Anniversary of the English Teaching Assistant Program

Ann Stock
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Washington, DC
May 22, 2012


Hello! I’m Ann Stock, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is honored to send her congratulations to the Republic of Korea, on the 20th anniversary of the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program! And, to the Korean-American Educational Commission, and the 1,000 ETAs who are a part of this program: thank you for your dedication to the Fulbright mission.

Boasting over 100 of you every year, Korea’s ETA Program is the largest in Asia! It’s also a model for nearly 70 programs worldwide.

We believe that each of you has a critical role to play in our shared future. There is no substitute for living in a foreign country and understanding other cultures, institutions, and traditions. In today’s world, the ability to communicate in another language is an unmatched advantage. When we communicate, we build bridges of understanding between our two countries.

The connections Fulbrighters make can last a lifetime—and will define the relationships between the United States and the Republic of Korea for generations to come. We are always more effective when we work together!

Here’s to another twenty years of success! Thank you and congratulations.


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