Remarks on the Third Anniversary of the Civilian Response Corps

Robert Loftis
Acting Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization 
Washington, DC
July 15, 2011


July 2011 marks the third anniversary of the Civilian Response Corps. The Civilian Response Corps and civilian surge capability are an important new tool for the United States as we help countries and societies emerge from war and conflict and build the foundations for a peaceful future.

The Corps has many key successes most notably in southern Sudan and the Kyrgyz Republic. In South Sudan the United States helped this new nation be born in peace. And in the Kyrgyz Republic, we helped consolidate the first democracy in Central Asia.

The Failed States Index demonstrates that there are many countries around the world that are fragile and where the United States may help. The Corps’s experience in more than two dozen countries makes us an effective tool to help in those situations.

Thank you to all the Corps members and Civilian Responders around the world for your service and sacrifice over the last three years. And we encourage anyone interested in joining this exciting work to contact us.

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