Final Project Report Preparation Requirements

As PI’s finalize work on their R&D subcontracts, NEUP would like to remind PI’s of minimum requirements when preparing a final project report. Guidance, which is also included in the standard subcontract, is outlined below.

“Reports shall include the following elements:

  • A brief abstract of the report which describes the overall objectives and results;
  • A full statement of each objective and description of the effort performed and the accomplishments achieved;
  • A list of any publications or information release made of material developed or maintained through the performance of the subcontract;
  • And any other relevant information.

The final report shall contain a comprehensive summary of all work results and conclusions. All reports shall fairly and completely describe the efforts applied to and the results obtained toward achievement of objectives of the subcontract work. If an objective is not accomplished, such failure shall be fully documented and explained in the report.”

For examples of complete final project reports visit the Final Project Report section of the website.

DOE Announces FY 2012 Research and Development Awards

The Department of Energy is awarding $36.2 million in support of the Nuclear Energy University Programs for 47 nuclear energy research and development projects focused on four fields: Fuel Cycle Research & Development; Reactor Concepts Research, Development & Demonstration; Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation; and Transformative Research.

These projects, selected for negotiation of award, are led by 32 American universities and colleges in more than 22 states and the District of Columbia. Other universities, industry leaders and National Laboratories will serve as collaborators and research partners.

A complete list of R&D projects with their associated abstracts can be found here.

Research and Development

NEUP seeks to align the nuclear energy research being conducted at U.S. colleges and universities with DOE’s mission and goals.

The program is supporting projects that focus on needs and priorities of key Office of Nuclear Energy programs, including fuels cycle, reactor concepts, and transformative “blue sky” research.

NEUP awards millions of dollars in research subcontracts each year through a two-part solicitation process that requires professors to submit pre-applications and then full proposals - if their application is passed forward.

All proposals are subjected to a rigorous, independent peer review process to eliminate bias and ensure those that are funded are based on technical merit and relevance to the Department’s mission.

All current R&D solicitations can be found on the "Current Solicitations" page.

Clarification on "No-Cost Extensions" for NEUP R&D Contracts

Due to several requests for information about “no-cost extensions” NEUP would like to remind all those currently working on R&D projects about NEUP policy. Because federal program dollars and priorities are based on critical, timely research results, “no-cost extensions” on NEUP contracts are only approved for cases with extenuating circumstances (death of a collaborator, long-term facility shutdown, etc). “No-cost extensions” will not be granted in other cases.

If you feel your project requires a “no-cost extension” please contact Stefanie Johnston at 208-526-1197 to submit the necessary documentation for your request to be reviewed.

Foreign Travel

In order for Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) funds to be used for foreign travel, the Request for Approval of Foreign Travel (click here) form must be completed and returned to 45 days prior to travel.  All abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used.  The justification for travel and the benefit to government areas need as much detail as possible. (Please DO NOT simply copy “justification” to the “Benefit to Government.”)  Justification should outline what you are going to be doing on your trip; benefit to government should indicate how your trip will benefit the traveler, university, and DOE HQ programs.  Dates and charge codes entered in this form MUST match the dates and codes used on the travel documents. 

All charge numbers will be added to the form once it is returned to

If you have any questions about the form or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to call Stefanie at 208-526-1197.

Related Documents

Click here to view NEUP documents.

Documents include abstracts, workscopes, travel forms, budget forms, conflict of interest disclosure forms, etc.